Chapter 1

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POV Lily, Monday, 6:30am

Who'd like waking up on their birthday to a lady screaming in a megaphone? That's right. Nobody. But once you've been in this dump for as long as you can remember, you get used to the routine.

"Up and at'em! Everybody! Let's move it!" Ms. Lewis, the Hall Advisor/ Orphan Keeper, is one who will haunt you in your nightmares. Or at least she does to me.

"Lily Sparks! Why are you not up?! You should have your bed made, nightstand dusted, and be brushing your teeth!"

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Lewis. I just slept through my alarm and it's my birthday and-." She cut me off. "And nothing! I don't care that it's your birthday. I just need you up!" She gave me a little kick in the leg and stomped out of the bedroom.

I sighed and made my bed, dusted my nightstand, and went to my little dresser in the corner of the room. It was a bit dusty, but I didn't mind much.

I pulled out a black tank top and some dark green capris. I did a quick brush to my hair and pulled a piece of it back. This was like my typical outfit for a typical day. A day where nothing good will happen to me. Where I will be counting my days until I get adopted. Hopefully. I just hope I will be adopted without Annabelle. But I know that won't happen. I actually never really understood why we were never adopted. I mean, we're sixteen!

The other girls in my room where all in the bathroom, fighting over hair brushes, toothpastes, and sinks. I would be lucky if I got a chance to even look in the mirror this morning, so I just went ahead and went downstairs.

As I walked into the orphanage's cafeteria, I smelled gross oatmeal. I scowled at the horrible Ms. Lewis, who was chewing out a small boy at a table across the cafeteria.

"Yea, I don't care for her either." I turned around suddenly and faced one of my friends Brandon. He was the sweetest, and tallest being 5' 3½', 11 year old I had ever met. The only reason he was here was because his parents were both killed in a deadly car crash. "Oh yeah, she yelled at me this morning too." I totally understood the way that boy was feeling over there.

"Really? She should be better to you and Annabelle on your birthdays." I frowned. "Well, she can be mean all she wants to me, but it won't affect the way she treats Annabelle!" I felt anger rising in my chest, so I walked away, leaving Brandon behind.

I really didn't care to see Ms. Lewis, Annabelle, or gross oatmeal today at all. But unfortunately, all of the above faced me. "Would you like eggs and toast with your oatmeal, sweetie?" asked the nice cafeteria lady. I nodded, thinking that it had to be better than the oatmeal.

As I sat down at a table with my friends, I saw Annabelle walk in the cafeteria. She stared at me and decided to come over to my table. Yay!

"Happy birthday, Lily. 16 and puberty still hasn't hit you. How sad." I laughed a little. "Well, thank the heavens! Now I definitely know I'm not as old as that bias harpy you always hang out with," I retorted. I saw her hesitate and stick her tongue out at me. She finally stomped over to the breakfast line. Obviously, Annabelle needs to work on her comebacks.

"Get me a cup of coffee, ASAP!" The lunch lady got Annabelle's coffee and everyone got out of the way. Annabelle doesn't have any friends because she's so rude. But she sure is favored by Ms. Lewis.

"Why Annabelle, looking so sharp today on your birthday. I got you a present." I stared at this scene, anger rising in my chest. "Oh how delightful. Please give it to me," said Annabelle. Ms. Lewis went behind a table and got out a birthday bag.

"Surprise, my sweet angel!" Annabelle's face lit up and she squealed with happiness. I was getting tired of seeing this. I've been seeing this my whole life, so it gets tiring after a while. As she was pulling out the present, Brandon and one of my best friends Maxine sat down at the table.

"Wow. Are you seeing that? Annabelle is getting a present! That's so unfair. I mean, because it's your birthday too, Lily" Yeah I know that. Maxine frowned and put her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged. "I know right. I haven't gotten a birthday present since, since, I don't even know." Brandon and Maxine exchanged glances and grinned. "Come with us

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