chapter 1

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Your mom yells your name telling you to come.

"(Y/n) come here me and you dad have a surprise for you"
"I'm coming hold on" you say as you run around the house trying to get ready for school.
"Come here right now your not going to school today or this week" says your dad
You walk into the room right when he said that and just look at them like they were crazy you open you mouth and then close it tell you say " Why? Where are we going I never get out of school for anything besides if we have a reunion or go on a trip tell me."
We have a gift for your birthday which is today" your mom says as she hands you the little box with happy birthday wrapping paper on it while her and your dad song happy birthday to you.
"What is it. Is it a bomb are my parents trying to kill me what is happening it's so small it could be anything what is it." You thought while looking at the box. Your mom snaps you out of your thought
"Open it I hope you like it."
"Okay" you start to open it when you see a picture of one direction and tickets to their concert you just look at it not saying anything and you start to cry
" she doesn't like it." Says your mom
" no mom I love it thank you so much when do we can leave now please" you say with so much excitement
"Go get packed and get in the car (y/n) and I will go get my suitcase and when your done we will leave" your mom says
"Okay" you say as you leave to get packed

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