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So, I'm Moon or Moona, which ever you want too call me.

Lunar is my friend. OH MY GOODNESS HE'S AUSTRALIAN!!!!! That's to freaking awesome! I wish I was Australian... Sadly I'm French and Italian.

I moved to the U.S almost a year ago. Now I've met this sweet and adorable thing called Luna. XD

I'm almost thirteen. I'm a little taller than Luna but not by much.

I can speak many languages but not any of the Japanese or Chinese or German languages.

I'm kinda tan.

Love these things ------>>> ( )

Most of you would like to know my sexuality and gender XD mostly if I'm single


He/them pronouns please


And single ^°^

Yep that's me. Good ole Moon XX

Pm if you'd like to.

Moon (or Moona)Where stories live. Discover now