Ashton wif his breadstick

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"I wanna go to panda expres!" luek say from de kichen. "we gots nothin to eats". "Deal wif it u stupid emo" ash says from de living room. He was watching family guy. Bc he liks it even do luek dosent lik it. " God ihates u ash" "fine well go tos panda expres". They pull into a kfc bc they had no monyz for panda expres. " God it's luek and Ashley again." " it's ash u stupid emo God.". Michael was always a bitch when he was on shift at kfc. Mostly bc he had no monyz to start wif. "Well I want a breadstick Michele." " and I want more monyz deal wif it" Michael said. luek ran off to de bathroom bc he doesn't like to make a scene bc hes lik that.luek and ash found a seat in de corner of kfc. Michael brot the bredstick to ash and he shoved it in his mouth and ran out the door leaving luek to pay. Luek threw $846 at Michael and ran after ash. Michael dies in a horrible car accident. Calum could heat ash screaming "I LUV BREADSTICKS FOR EVER AND EVER!!!!!!"  from his home town in Asia.

(a/n this is all coll is cool inspired if she sees this I luv u for ever and ever.(no homo))

Ashton and Luek gos to panda expresWhere stories live. Discover now