Always remember

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Always remember

Where is he? Where's Peeta? I'm starting to get really worried. I called him a couple of hours ago, he told me that he has to finish up in the bakery before he could come home.

I'm sitting by the dinner table. My hands together. The worry taking over my body.

When I talked to him I could feel that he was smiling, like he always does when he sees me or just talks to me. I really want him to come home right now so I can be in his arms.

He usually calls me when he's late though, and he should've been home by now. I haven't heard anything from him. And he doesn't pick up when I call him either.

I stand up and walk to the window, looking out to the driveway. No car. No Peeta.

I sigh and pick up my phone again. I dial a number and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Kat".

"Hey Annie", I sigh.

"What's up?" She asks.

"You haven't seen Peeta have you?" I ask. "He didn't stop by to talk to Finnick or anything did he?"

"No I haven't seen him, why what's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know..." I say.

"No Finnick it's Katniss", I hear Annie tell someone. Finnick. "Have you seen Peeta?" I wait for Annie to return to me. "No he hasn't seen him either".

"It's probably nothing", I say.

"Call as soon as he's home, Finnick is worried now as well, apparently Peeta doesn't answer his phone", Annie says.

"Yeah I know", I say. "I'll call you".

And with that I hang up. Annie hasn't seen him and neither has Finnick.

It's actually pretty late now. He really should be home now.

I continue to look out of the window. Hoping to see Peeta's dark blue car drive up the driveway. But no car comes. No Peeta comes. No nothing.

It's so quiet on the house. And that's making me even more nervous. It's making me more scared and more worried.

I jump in fright when my phone rings.

"Peeta is that you?!" I almost shout into the phone.

"Katniss Everdeen?"

"Yes, who's this?"

"I'm dr Beetee calling from the local hospital here in Panem, I have some information for you", he says. "It's about a man Peeta Mellark".

"He's at the hospital?!"

"I'm afraid he is", dr Beetee says. "You really should come right now, your boyfriend's been involved in an accident".

And so my whole world crashes. I drop my phone and it falls down onto the floor. I can hear it crash but I don't care. I can't breath.

I grab my keys and rush to the door.

As I run towards my car the memories from last December hits me. It was New Year's Eve.

"I love you Peeta", I laugh as he slowly dances me around.

I'm standing on his feet. I was afraid I'd crush his feet but he moves in a good pace.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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