Flames Within

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Pillar of Grace

By Descend

It was bright and early at the Tower, the last refuge for the Guardians. The sun was rising and today had a sense of adventure...

"Will that complete my service for today?" Zandra the noble Titan and known as mother bear to some was picking a order from the postmaster, "Yes that is all." Her smile was anything less than graceful and her light more warm than any slowly burning fire, "Than I bid you good day." The robot nodded and went back to his work, "Another beautiful morning." As she began to walk she was stopped by her friend Descend a Titan for hire under the New Monarchy, "Hey Zandra long time no see." She nodded and gave him a light punch, "Look whos talking red." Descend chuckled, "Yeah I know the bright side is they pay well and despite the paperwork here and there. Whats on tap with you today?" She placed on her helmet, "I've been hearing of a Taken disturbance over on Venus thought I'd check out it. It's a little too close to the new training camp and I would hate for someone to get hurt." Descend nodded, "So when do we leave?"

The two Titans made it to Venus the jungle planet, the water glistened with colors of faint orange and light waves rippled as the sir smoothed its way across its watery surface. This feeling of beauty caused Zandra to smile, "Its so beautiful..." She kneeled down and plucked a flower Descend took notice of this, "You always did love the small things huh mother bear?" With her light the flower began to glow and its light seeds from the bud took flight and glide across the air, Descend watched, "Her light its so soft yet so stern shes unlike any Titan I've seen before." Coming back to her senses she let the flower back down to become one again with the planet, "Alright lets go." The two rode their sparrows soon arriving at the Camp 9, "Hmm not even Fallen are here," She hopped off and drew her Gemini while Descend did the same with his Righteous VIII. Before they realized it The Taken spawned in, draped in black auras with guns ready, "Oh no looks like we have been ambushed." She spoke in a sarcastic manner, "Yeah..." The Two Titans ignited their hammer of sols, their bodies engulfed in flames and light burning anyone who got near, "Lets go!" Descend quickly shoulder charge a nearby Captain turning him into ash, he then quickly jumped into the air and sent his hammer crashing destroying the Taken Dregs and Vandals, "Too easy." Zandra was surrounded and kept her composure, "I hope you don't mind if I test out a new move today?" Quickly she threw her hammer into the sky causing it to explode and rain fire, "Solar storm!" Similar to firebolts they attacked at incredible speeds and honed in on the Taken enemies Descend was suprised he's never seen a technique like that before. As the attacked subsided she stood their, ember flakes surrounded her and her armor radiated with glows of flame, she was a true Sunbreaker...

Ending Theme: Sakura Biyori

Chapter 2: Nova

Theme: Chemistry by Period

The two Titans stood amongst the ashes of their fallen enemies and with a sigh of breath they discussed their new plan, "I'm getting a sense of Darkness from the portal of that old Gate Lord we slain." Descend spoke with confidence, "I felt it too what do you think they would be doing there?" Zandra reloaded her Gemini. As the two headed that way a black beam of lot shot into the sky from that very portal, "Looks like we just have to find out..." The two summoned their sparrows and dashed off at a mighty pace. As the wind raced against their armor Zandra turned to Descend, "You seemed surprised when I did that attack as if you havent been training with something knew yourself." Descend chuckled she was the only Titan besides Shaxx who knew his true potential but he holds back in fear of hurting himself and the ones around him, "I taught myself something its not ready yet..." Zandra quickly stopped causing Descend to panic, "Z-zandra whats wrong." She walked over to Descend and placed and hand on his chest armor her hand laced with faint fire, "You worry too much as long as this is in the right spot you won't ever have to worry about hurting another." Descend sighed, "You're right." Zandra smiled, "The heart has more heat and strength than any Sunbreaker can burn." With that moment of connection the two continued. After minutes of riding the two arrived the area was barren and black the Taken have made a mess, "Damn look what they've done to this place." Zandra quickly noticed the portal it was surrounded by Taken minotaurs with Oryx echo leading them, "Oh no what could he be planning." Descend was engulfed in flames his hammer drawn, "Ill be damned if they succeed!" The two with all their might charged only to be slowed down by an onslaught of Taken, "Get out of my way!" Descend shoulder charged sending a shockwave of flames that scorched through the ground destroying many Taken, "Allow me to be of service." With a flick of her wrist she shot a tiny fusion grenade that stuck to a Taken Captain, "I bid you farewell." With a snap of her fingers it triggered a huge explosion taking care of the enemies that were ahead, "Most impressive." Descend said with his hammer resting on his shoulder, "Well I like to be graceful with my destruction." The two nodded and made it to the portal, "Oryx!" Descend roared, "Ahh Descend come to foil me again have you." The Minotaurs arised and stared down the two Guardians, "This stops Oryx no more of your shadows shall plague this land." Zandra stood proudly with Descend." Oryx laughed menacingly, "Very well you have fought my champions and slain my son allow me to show you my greatest creation!" A portal appeared absorbing the Minotaurs and appearing was a true abomination of darkness and machine, "By the Travelers light..." The beast stood tall like a Gatelord, he had four arms of claws. and two heads. "Say hello to your death Guardians!" Descend and Zandra stood side by side igniting their flames within, "Lets show this creep what we're about Descend." Descend smirked, "Lets."

Ending Theme: Life by Yui     

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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