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All these characters do not belong to me, they belong to Hidekaz Himaruya, and all other 2P designs belong to their respectful owners.

This story will have angst, blood, acts of violence, and homosexuallity. If you are sensitive about this stuff, I would advise you not to read this.

This story is based on the Bloody Pasta pairing otherwise known as Felicest or 1P Italy x 2P Italy.
>w< I hope you enjoy the story~

((the picture is not mine either, the original picture is here: http://t12.deviantart.net/sd6HmjQkvauIhk0IULhim5MkxyU=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre12/4d04/th/pre/f/2013/180/7/8/2p_italy_x_yandere_2p_reader___disease_propagation_by_rigi_san-d6b73xq.png

I do not know the artist, if you do know, please tell me so I can credit him/her!

[only the edits in the picture belong to me] )

.:MONSTER:. (Bloody Pasta [Felicest])Where stories live. Discover now