26th October 2015, Monday

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It's 6:50 in the morning , time to get ready for school. My mom walks in and says, " Are you not going to school today? " Her normal tone is loud enough to wake the dead, so i'm indeed awake. The thing so ridiculous about her question was that she asked it in the way, as if i had a choice. As if i could've said, " No, i'm not going to school today " and that would be the end of it. But the fact remains that there was no possible way to skip school, than to fake illness. I've even tried with tears in my eyes, but that woman has a heart of stone! :) So yeah, i take her question for a taunt and reply, " i am waking up, just give me a second. " This was to be my first day back in school after my 1st term examinations. I knew i would be receiving some of my answer sheets, so the day was not going to be pretty! I got ready for school, everything was in order. The bus ride from my home to school, in the morning, is nice. The air is cold and fresh, and i love to look out the window. There is only one girl i talk to in the bus and she's quite annoying. She's the brainy kind, the one who gets good grades in everything and if she were to receive a lower grade than she was expecting, she's in tears, making a fuss. Her other characteristics would be - arrogant, egoistic, rude, self absorbed, tattletale. That morning, someone else sat beside me on the bus so i was at peace for those 20 minutes. When i got down from the bus after reaching, she was waiting for me. We did small talk on our way to our class. I told her that this one kid in my class had scored 89.5/90 in our Social Science exam and she refused to believe it. Told you she was arrogant, can't accept the fact that she's not the only brainy fish in the sea! I then made my way to my class where i met few of my friends and talked to them once i had kept my bag. All through out the morning, the fear that i'd be receiving my marks, crept inside of me. It's not myself who i'd be disappointing, it's my mom, my tuition teachers, my school teachers, my classmates, and my friends back at home. I don't mind getting 80/90 or 75/ 90 much in my exams. I mean that is a good ratio and a figure i can live with. Besides, how far does it matter how many marks i receive in a subject that i openly despise?! We had our attendance and then we had to go down for assembly. Our class teacher also informed us that we would be having our Sport's Day practice in 0 and 1st period. Participation in our school's Sport's Day celebration is compulsory for every student. You either take up any activity of your choice, or you're forced into one. The only way out is to either bunk your practice sessions or take a leave on Sport's Day. For those who don't choose anything, like me, are pushed into march past. You know, i wouldn't despise marching as much if they'd get the idea of turning us into robots out of their (teachers') heads. They link marching with discipline and pride, i mean how do you even make that nonsensical leap? First, you force us into something that we don't want to do and second, you ask perfection. I'm sorry that i'm incapable of moving my hands up to shoulder level and i'm sorry that i'm incapable of raising my thighs so high while i march that my knee touches my stomach! Since we are made to march in a group, that is house-wise(red,blue,yellow,green) , all of the group is made to march again if a single kid screws it up. These grown ups expect so much of us, which makes me wonder how can you ask so much of us? We're only kids, i mean i'm 15 , and personally don't give a shit about what the chief guest would think of us or the quality of our march. I don't know if you are getting my point or if you see this rant on marching as exaggeration, but let me tell you that sometimes we're made to march when the temperature is 30-45°c .So excuse me, if i refuse to or am cranky about marching for 1 hour in the morning constantly and forcefully at 40°c . To top it all off, we have to witness the prefect coordinators' enthusiasm to all this, because they're the teacher's pets, they are supposed to be enthusiastic about all this. I did it properly, and it was soon over. Since November is coming, the weather is pleasant, and the marching wasn't that suffocating. When we got back to our classes we had our Hindi period. I got A2, the second best grade. It was okay, since who gives a crap about Hindi right? But, you can't possibly imagine what this would mean to my mom. I'll give you an example to explain my mom's supposed reaction. Okay so imagine a very orthodox, conservative homophobe. Now imagine her as your mother. Now imagine yourself as gay. Now imagine yourself telling her that you are gay. Get the picture?! I would say i exaggerated just a teeny-tiny bit, but the picture you have in your head is pretty much it. So i couldn't possibly have told her. But to my relief we were not allowed to take our answer sheets home this time. 4th period, Biology. I receive my Science marks. 77/90 . I was expecting it in the 80s but i could live with it. What i kept telling myself through out the day was that in 3-4 years time, none of this would matter. But i could never tell my mom this. She'd take it for an excuse for my marks. As if the grapes were sour. I felt pretty screwed up, up till now. The day wasn't going well, just as i had predicted. My friends tried to cheer me up, at least some of them, which was nice, comforting. :) 6th period, Work Experience. I had taken up, home science, meaning the class where you are taught about some of the basic house chores. So our teacher asked us to pair up in groups of two for a group activity. There were 7 kids from my class including me, which meant when the groups were made, someone would be left out. Sadly, that person was me. I'm not the kind of person that does not get picked by any, so i tried to trade my position with someone. There's this guy in my class who had kind of asked me out and i refused because he was a stinking (literally ), dumb, douche. The kid i was trying to trade my position with told him that me and him should pair up, his idea of a joke. Now since i turned him down and he probably took it to heart, his response was, " I'd rather be alone. " As if . My school day ended shortly. Soon i was on the bus, ready for home, sadly seated with You Know Who. I had to make the tough decision of whether or not to tell my mom about my marks, and i chose to not tell. Since my mom's birthday was approaching, i figured i'd ruin the mood once her birthday had passed. That was my first day back at school. The next day, Tuesday, was to be a holiday. So, tomorrow, that is Wednesday, i'll probably be receiving my math marks, something i've been wanting, since my exam went pretty well. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as pathetic. Oh yeah, it's also my mom's birthday tomorrow :) not that i care much. :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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