"Just a smile :)"

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Let me tell you my love story that started with a smile. That’s right, a smile that makes you go nuts! But still it was full of laughter and tears. My name is Sandra Crystal Halliwell, a junior college studying at USC (University State College) I have an older brother, his name’s Christopher. Also had a mom but never met my dad. Well here it goes…

            I remembered the first time I studied in that school, my mom even walked me to my room. She grabbed and hugged me. So tightly that I couldn’t breathe, that is because it will be the first time that I will study in the city. You read it right; I was living before in a small village. But I’m not home schooled. As my mom left me, I was nervous. I opened the door, from inside people were staring at me from head to toe which I seriously hate. Out of nowhere, someone touched my elbow. She has a black eyes, black long silky hair wearing a headband, wearing mini skirt with long black socks and long sleeve shirt. I can tell for sure she was not American.

“You’re new here, eh?”

“Yes. I’m from…Judes.”

“The small village?! Cool!”

“You think that’s cool?”

“Well I always wanted to visit and perhaps study there. I’m Ling K”


            We stopped when the door slammed. A group of people came in. All wearing dark shirts and weird hair styles, a guy with a spiky red hair wasn’t happy.

“Where the hell is that guy?! Eric!”

            Ling K grabbed my hand, she whispered.

“Stay away from D Gang. They are mean and as you can see.”

            Then a brown hair with green eyes opened the door.

“Sup, Mike?”

“I’ve been looking for you. Where the hell have you been?”

“Did you really dump Melissa? I heard she was being crazy. You have to do something before she does something weird.”

“I’m taking care of it.”

“Eric, you have to get back with her! Do you hear me?! We need her! She’s the green dollar!”

            He looked away and stared…at me. As what I can see, he wasn’t happy at all. His eyes were tired.

“Hey! Sandra! What are you doing?! Do you want to be in trouble?”

“Why? I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“In their gang, a single look means fight! Or in your case, trouble!”


            When the D Gang left our room, Ling K took a chair next to her.

“Come, sit next to me.”

            As I playback in my head about that Gang, I heard someone shouting in excitement.


            I looked at her; she was smaller than me for about four inches. She is also wearing what Ling K was wearing. She has brown eyes, orange and curly hair. I watched as she and Ling K hugged each other so tightly. She looked at me and also hugged me; Ling K was about to introduce her to me but the girl bowed.

“Tishka Ohimatsu Rodriguez, is my name. Half American and half Japanese, you can call me Kaoyhi.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Sandra.”

"Just a smile :)"Where stories live. Discover now