My best friend (Short-ish emo love story)

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Nathaniel's POV

I was furious, I heard them talking, whispering, gossiping about me, I stormed over to them as I could not bare to hear their their cruel words anymore. I grabbed one of the boy's arms and pushed him against the wall. He squirmed, and although I wasn't very strong, I had the strength of some big cat, such as a puma or lion, when I was angry. The adrenaline rush gave me a sudden strength, but did not last very long. I got close to his ear, he was breathing hard, he was scared. I whispered "I had better not hear you talk like that again about me, or my best friend. You hear me?" He whimpered a quiet "alright..." and I let go of him, and he ran off, just as the others so cowardly did. I sighed. What is wrong with people? Why must they treat us this way?

I walked home feeling depressed. I felt no sense of accomplishment, for what had I accomplished? They'll just go on, still talking behind our backs, still hating on us, kids like me, just because I'm different and don't care to follow their conformist ways.

When I got to my house, I took out my hello kitty key, unlocked the door, and shuffled inside. I turned on a lamp and walked into the kitchen, looking around for something to eat. "Hm..." I want taco bell, I thought to myself. I didn't really want to go alone though. My best friend would probably want to go, so I took out my phone and held down the 2, her speed dial. I held my breath as the phone rang. I always got nervous when I called her. *click* "Hewwooo?" augh, her voice is so cute. "Hai." I said in my cutest voice. "I was gonna go to Taco Bell and I thought you uhm might like to go with me..." "Yeah man!" she said excitedly. I felt happiness inside and a few butterflies. "Good, hai I'll come pick you up, alright?" "Otay!" that cute happy sound in her voice. I loved hearing her sound all happy, she gets so sad so easily, so its good to hear her happy voice.

"Hai Nathan!" She said to me when she opened the door. "Hey Hikari" I said with a smile.

"Lemme go get my wallet." she giggled and ran off to find it.

I stood in the doorway, peeking into her apartment. It smelled nice, it smelled just like her. I loved it. The room was full of stuffed animals on the sofa, mostly pandas... She's always loved pandas. A whole case of her video games, an xbox, tv, and some Asian take-out, Starbucks, and Taco Bell wrappers on the coffee table. "Tay, lets go." she came back with her hello kitty duct tape wallet that she had made. I would always offer to pay for her, but she would always decline, and insist she pay for herself. Typical girls.


"Teh deliciousness." she giggled as she took the last sip of her soda and lemonade. She had mixed all of the flavors together from the soda fountain. I did it too, I liked the way it tasted. We always talked about the most random things, and I loved it. I asked her how her day went, and she would tell me all about it, and somehow we would trail off to some topic about zombies vs. unicorns.

"Well, what do you wanna do now?" I asked her after I threw our trays away.

"Mmmm.... We could go to the mall, and then I wanna go to the park." So I drove her to the mall, even though it was only a few blocks away from where we were. We went into F.Y.E. and she pointed out alllll the CDs she wanted. There were a lot that she picked, mostly metal and punk rock, and the punk goes pop albums. Those were some of her favorites.

"I want this one, and this one, and ohmigawsh, THIS!" she would say as we walked down the rows of CDs. We went over to where they sold the hats and beanies and shirts. "*Gasp* meep! I want!" she squealed, and pointed to a deadmau5 beanie with the deadmau5 ears on it. "How much is it?" I asked her.

"Lemme see..... It's $16" she said with her eyes glittering up at me...

"Alrighty then." I said, and took out my wallet. I took the hat to the cashier and laid it on the counter. After I paid for it, I put it on her little head. She smiled with happiness in her eyes. Her eyes.... They were just so beautiful that I couldn't even look at them for too long, because it only made me want to kiss her more... Yes, I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to so badly... I'd never kissed a girl before, and I wasn't sure when the right time would be, I just knew that when the time came, we'd know it...

"where to now? " Hot Topic and Claire's of course!" she said excitedly.

After we went shopping, I took her bags of things she bought (and that I bought for her) and put them in the trunk of my car. Then we went to the park. It was nice and quiet there, by now it had gotten dark, the moon was out, it was full and shining oh so brightly. We walked down to the lake, and sat down by the water's edge. We started talking about random things, and then we ended up in a more serious convo about friendship, and personal things like our families.

"I wish they werent so hard on me." she said to me, her voice was so calm, and so beautiful with every word she spoke... I could listen to her all night.

"I make good grades, I do housework, I take care of my little brother, and my parents don't even listen to me when I have a problem or have something I need to talk about. It's like all they know how to do is yell."

I listened to her words and I only spoke when I knew she was done, and I wouldn't say anything to her that would seem like I felt bad for her or I was babying her about it, like "sorry" or "it'll be okay", because that's not really what she needed. She just needed to be shown love. I was there for her, I was always there for her. All she would ever want was a hug, and for someone to listen to her. I would always be the one to do that for her.

My best friend (Don't read unless you like to cringe at emo kids)Where stories live. Discover now