A New Life (Chap. 7) (a witch love story)

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~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

I was a little mad at myself for crying in front of Daren, I didn't cry often, especially in front of others. But he didn't seem to treat me any differently after it. Well, not in a bad way at least. He spent the whole week with me; he hung with me any moment possible at school. I really started to like him, maybe like was the right word.

"You like him," my friend, Sabrina, accused me during Social Studies. I blushed but didn't say anything. Was I that obvious? "You do!" she whispered loudly.

"Shhh, I don't want everyone to hear," I said quickly under my breath. So, she switched to writing a note and then passing it to me.

[author's note: the stuff that Sabrina writes will have {} around it and the things that Katheren wirtes will have ** around it]

{So you do like him! I knew it; you would have to with the way he looks at you!}

*What do you mean 'how he looks at me'?* I wrote and then proceeded to shove the paper at me.

She thought for a bit before she started writing. {Well he looks at you- well mostly when you aren't looking at him- like he is completely enthralled by everything that you do.}

I started at the paper, not getting it. *So you're saying that he*-I struggled to comprehend what she meant- *likes me?*

{Obviously, he is totally head over heels for you girl, everyone but you can see it.}

I smiled like an idiot, I like this much more than I should. The bell rang then, bringing me back to earth. "Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yeah Kate, pretty sure."

The conversation ended quickly when we saw Daren waiting outside to take me to our last class, English. "What is Sabrina sure about?" he asked as she headed in the opposite direction.

"That she won't be able to hang out this weekend."

"Oh, speaking of this weekend. My parents are gone for the month and I was wondering if you wanted to keep me company."

"Hmmm, sure. Where do you live?" I asked as we entered the classroom.

"Only two blocks away from your house, I can give you a ride if you want."

"Sure, sounds great."

"Awesome." He smiled widely as he sat next to me. I quickly texted my aunt, telling her that I didn't need a ride home, before class started.

I was distracted the whole lesson. So what if he did like me? Did that really matter? Yeah, I thought, it did, a lot.

But what if he was just being really nice, if Sabrina was way off? I cursed at this part of my mind that wanted to dwell on the negative. But what if- my thought was cut off by the final bell.

"Well that was interesting," Daren said sarcastically.


"You didn't even hear a word of that horrid lecture did you?" he asked.

"What lecture?" I asked innocently. Then we both burst into laughter.

"Nice, you are such a good student." I hit his shoulder playfully at his teasing. "Hey, get your stuff and meet me at the front doors."

"Okay." The second I got to my locker on the other side of the school, Sabrina came bounding up to me.

"Spill." That was all she said.

"Huh, where?" I looked at my clothes and found no spot.

She rolled her eyes. "I meant spill as in talk, tell me, spill all of the details, duh."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2009 ⏰

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