Short stories about friends!

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  • Dedicado a Jamie-lee Flynn Mill

This episode: Jamie-lee and her past

As jamie-lee walks up to the school gate, she takes a big breath and holds it for a few seconds. She takes a step into her new school, shakey all over, She was already late, so that wasn't a good start for her, she started to jog to he classroom. Trying to pick up the speed with her bag filled with heavy books. As she finally gets to the classroom, her nerves start to build up, " Class, this is Jame-lee, a new student in our school" miss kiene says, everyone takes a long hard stare at jamie-lee, except for jessica and courtney, they don't really care about new students, or anyone they don't know. "Bethany, please take care of jamie-lee!". Bethany nods, with excitement. Through the rest of that whole session everyone wanted to get to know her...

                                                                      BRING BRING BRING BRING                                                                                  

It was lunch, the time where Bethany was supposed to show jamie-lee around, But instead bethany sat with chloe and jamie-lee sat eating by herself. Lunch fininished and we are all back in class, learning and playing.

                                                                             A WEEK LATER

Courtney saw jessica and jamie-lee having a great time on the oval, Courtney decided to go up to Jessica and jamie, and asked " Could i play with you?" She asks shyly. And after a few weeks they were 3 best friends,jamie- lee moved on and fund new friends, jessica left the school, and courtney was alone for a while

                                         UNTIL TODAY THE END

Short stories about friends!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora