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Is it that hrd for you to understand

Is it that complicated

Are you sure  about the choice

Were you sure about this

Did you make think this through

That is confusion

That is when you are not sure

You are scared and afraid

Afraid of choices because you'll make the wrong choice

It's part of life you'll never get rid of it

When you are sure about love

Are you sure

Will you be happy

Or sad

Are you worried your partner will stay loyal

Will she leave you

Or are will thee stay with you for eternity

You aren't sure about anything

Life is complicated

Full of choices

So you aren't sure of anything

Especially you are confused


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Special thanks to Danna144, fizzySmilez,Black Shadows. Butterflyeffect21 and paranormaldeath

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2011 ⏰

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