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The twins were born on August 20,1992. Originally Dianna was only expecting Demi, but when little Poot arrived only minutes after, a cocktail of love and anger burned inside of her. What the fuck was she going to name her? Where would Poot sleep? All had been settled when the twins arrived home and where so attached that even slight separation caused them to cry. Demi and Poot shared clothes as the family was in poor financial care as it was. The girls eventually grew up , and still never let go of the bond they had with each other until kindergarten. Demi started to talk to a girl named Selena and as they grew closer Poot began to grow more distant. One day Poot couldn't stand it and tried to join conversation, but Selena unknowing of the lurking Poot continued to talk shit about her. Poot was so angry she fucking scalped Selena. From that day on fate took its turn and nothing between the sisters was ever the same. This event began to take place with every friend Demi would make, when Poot found Laney wearing her clothes she decided the only way to get her back was to skin her and wear it as a coat. When the twins mother learned of this she took Poot to a professional to be evaluated. What the psychologist found out was that Poot, had a rare brain disorder known as DIF or delete it fat. This disorder made her react to hate by hurting the person by removal (hair, skin). After the discovery the family had a meeting without Poot, in which they decided the only way to keep this disgraceful creature from the world would be to lock her in the basement. The next day they drugged Poots morning OJ with sleeping pills, and once she was asleep they did the deed (and by the deed I mean they fucking threw her body down the basement stairs and locked the door) being woken up by shock Poot discovered her dark fate...literally they didn't want to make the electricity bill go up so she was in the dark cold basement. As Poot walked around she discovered a small blanket and a piece of toast, she grabbed the two and went up to the stairs to sleep. The rest of her bleek life was spent this way but, she never lost hope. She looked day after day for an escape route but none was found. One day Poot had a crisis she believed there was no reason left to try so she decided to try and end it.... By repeatedly smashing her head on the concrete floor until she passed out. When she awoke she saw in the tiny window reflection that her head wasn't scared or damaged and realized that her head was made of steel, with her new profound power she knew her escape route and waited for the right time. It arrived when Demi and the family went out for dinner. Poot fucking head butted the door down and escaped the house. The picture above was taken the first time Poot was seen outside. She didn't want to speak out against her family with anything but "we do not speak but I hope they find peace as I will to forgive them." Currently Poot is undergoing treatment for DIF and is more positive than ever. Her family declined to comment on the situation. But none the less we hope you share this inspirational story and send Poot love. This has been Poot Lovato: the untold story. #freepoot2k15

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