Just Hold Me. (Ziall)

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Niall sniffled loudly and wiped at his now wet face. Closing his laptop, he shoved it off of his lap and onto the cushion of the black love seat.

HarryChick357: I LUV HARRY AND ZAYN!

NiamLoving: @HarryChick357 What about Louis, Liam, and Niall?! 

HarryChick357: @NiamLoving well maybe louis and liam but niall? Ur kidding XD I dont even no why hes in the band! 

He lifted his knees to his chest and wrapped his arm around them tightly, burying his face in his legs. A quiet sob escaped his lips and he nuzzled his face in his lap further, muting the noise. He couldn't let Zayn hear him, he was only down the hall.

Stripesandspoons: Is it just me or has naill gained alot ofweight? Ew...


Zayn stared at the lit cigarette in between his fingers, mixed feelings running wild in his mind. He told the boys he would try to stop. He knew they would be ashamed of him, Niall especially. After he had found him smoking again, after he said he had stopped once, he begged Zayn to stop. Zayn could have sworn the Irish lad had tears in his eyes as he explained how bad it was for his health. His vision blurred almost instantly as images of the hysterical boy played in his mind. He had been crying.

Zayn smiled sadly and lifted the murderer to his dry lips once again. Niall had been crying over him. How funny it all was, really. Since the boy was the reason he started smoking again. Niall hurt him, unintentionally. Every single day. How, you may ask? Well, Zayn got to do what he wanted, just not quite exactly the way he wanted. He got to hold Niall, just not the way he does in his dreams. He got to kiss Niall, but just as jokes. He got to tell him he loved him, but that was never followed by Niall giving the bradford boy a sweet kiss and Zayn's slightly smaller hand a tight squeeze.

The raven haired boy clenched his eyelids shut and inhaled deeply. He was compelled to lower the cigarette as he laughed lowly.

No, it wasn't funny.

It wasn't funny at all.

Zayn was just about to lift the horrible thing to his mouth again but stopped himself as he heard a quiet noise coming from the other side of his door. He couldn't quite decide what the noise was but wasted no time in putting out what would probably be the cause of his death. He had no ash tray of course, so he smashed the head of the object into the wooden chair he was seated in, between his legs. He threw the rest of the evidence into a small white trash bin that sat on his white carpet just to the left of him.  

  Niall stood from his spot on the love seat but regretted it immediately. Because of the sobs shaking his small body, he fell to the hardwood floor, his knees making a sickening thud. 

  He's so ugly, look at his teeth! Imagine kissing somebody that has a mouth like that! He doesn't deserve to be in One Direction. The kid can't even sing. What kind of straight guy dyes his hair?! No wonder he doesn't have any solos. I can't even bare to listen to him sing the chorus! I HATE HIM. Just kill yourself. Nobody would care if you left the band. Why would Demi Lovato like a faggot like you?! Haha, he's a joke! He needs to go on a diet. What the fuck is wrong with Katy Perry, why did she let somebody like him go through?!

  The words rung through his head, repeating themselves multiple times. The sad thing was that they must be true because everybody seemed to agree. He can't sing. He's ugly. He's fat. He doesn't deserve to be with Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry. He doesn't deserve life. He's just a waste of space and that he should kill himself. Nobody would care.

  He didn't care any longer whether or not his roommate heard him crying over something so stupid. He really didn't. He actually wished he did. Zayn always made him feel better, no matter what happened. 

  Niall felt somebody pry his fingers off the top of his head and pull him into their arms. He knew who it was immediately. He melted in the tight, yet gentle grip and nuzzled his head into the slightly darker boy's neck.   Zayn mumbled reassuring words into the blonde boy's ear, hoping to calm him down. He hated seeing Niall like this, more than anything. 

  The smaller boy could finally breathe properly after what felt like centuries. A few hiccups and whimpers here and there, but he would be fine now.

  "Do you want to talk about?" Zayn asked, stroking Niall's bare back softly.

  "Do you want to explain the smell?" The pale boy asked, just as softly.

It took the older boy a few seconds to understand what he was talking about, but when he finally understood a wave of guilt rushed over him.

  "I'm so sorry, Niall. I didn't-I just-" He began to ramble.  

Niall shushed him softly."It's okay, just promise me you won't do it again, yeah?"   

Niall knew the promise was bound to be broken, but he couldn't stop the sliver of hope inside him.  

"Yeah, I promise." Zayn murmured back. " Anything I could do to make you feel better?"  

"You can just hold me for now." Niall answered, snuggling into the Zayn further.  

Zayn was perfectly fine with that, and just held on to the boy tighter.   

And while Zayn was physically restraining himself from kissing the boy in his arms, Niall was coming to the realization that maybe-just maybe- his feelings weren't completely platonic...  

~A/N~   I'll leave the rest to your imagination! :)

I Co-wrote this with my cousin HorribleFanfictions (The one this is dedicated to (: )

I hoped you liked this! Please comment, I want to know if I should do anymore and if I'm any good at this! Thanks 

-Kelsey X

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