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My name is Fairuz, it's a foreign name...and this is my story

Even When I was in primary school I constantly lived trying to please others. My friends were the ones who helped me, at home my mother is a Cristian and my father is Muslim, I always wondered why even in her own house she always used to hide away long after my father was asleep. It's only now I understand why my mother is trapped here with me.

In year four my mother suffered from cyber bullying even at her age, I never thought talking to a few of her friends online would lead to my mother being stalked. But it did.

I had to leave everything I had to start a new school. A new everything, but I didn't complain not after everything my mother was going through. Not after my mum and dad started fighting everyday. And he would sometimes hurt her and than disappear for hours and come back and act like nothing ever happened. Goofing around with me my mum told me to go along with it after all he was my father.

At school the kids would find everything to curse me about. It went on for years, my mum couldn't do anything as our situation at home worsened. People on the street started following us... My father didn't help.

I finally gave in to the bully's letting them kick me, punch me, talk behind my back and strait up be rude to me whenever   They pleased for the rest of my life at that school. I never got the childhood I wanted...I dreamed of. I looked at those happy careless children in awe, for my mother and me I had to grow up early.

Now more than years later, it's better but not much has changed. I'm studying at Notre Dame Academy for girls. If you read a fangirls world my other book you can see that I'm quite happy with my new friends.

At home, my mother no longer believes in me she no longer cares that my friends are the only good thing about school. She don't care... I cry my self to sleep and sometimes I don't sleep. I've got tests coming up and the stalking thing is driving my mother mad, we can't escape. With my dad I have to hide my own religion from him because I've seen the videos and story's of what happen to women that don't go along with Muslims...

R.I.P to Amanda Todd, I know what you went through and it doesn't matter how old you are, I was just 5 when I lost my childhood. And now it's more than six years later it's like I can't escape. On Monday I go back to school. I guess I have to pray to God things will get better soon...

Stay happy, be yourself and live your life to the fullest
Your all amazing every one of you!

P.S. I'm not talking about all Muslims I have a Muslim friend and she's really nice. Don't judge people. And I love my mum and dad no matter what problems we go through, my mum does everything for me and I love her more and than anything in the world.

My life inspired by Amanda ToddWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt