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Emma's POV

Days come and go for me, as I start to get used to my new life here in Storybrooke. I go to school, listen to teachers, read books in the school library and go... home.

Nothing is good in this house. I must clean everything, cook everything and prepare myself for school. It's hard to do all of that because the house is the real mess.

I'm so tired after doing all of that. I usually go upstairs and lie in bed. But I am used to doing things I don't like since I don't really have any other options. It has always been like this and I can't change it. If I try, it always ends badly for me. So I just do what they want. It's better that way.

Today is another school day. It's finally Monday. I really don't know if I can handle another full day with that man in the house. He isn't good, and I've certainly had worse, but when he is drunk he is bad. He's mean and insensitive, even abusive... Nothing new in my life.

I'm happy that it's Monday, because, at school, I don't have to think about him or what I have to do when I get home. I only sit, listen and read. It's relaxing.

My first lesson today is English, so I go to my locker to take my English book. I slowly walk to class and take a seat in the back.

The teacher arrives at the bell. "Open your book to page 54, today we are going to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It's a very famous book written by J.K. Rowling. Please start reading".

I really like it. I actually read all the books about Harry's adventures, when I was younger. I borrowed them from a library.

While I was reading it I escaped from my life. Actually, Harry's life reminded me of my own a little bit.

He is an orphan just like me, without parents, living with people who doesn't care about him...he are nothing only problem for them. That's what we have common.

But his life changes for the better. He discovers that he's a wizard, leaves his "family" and goes to Hogwarts. He finds friend and place where he finally belong. Maybe there is a lot of danger and dark magic around but with real friends he can face anything.

When I was younger, I used to think that something like that would happen to me, something just like finding out I have magic. But as I grew older and older I finally realized the truth...that magic doesn't exist and that Harry's life is a just story while mine is real and I can't live in dreams.

The second lesson is Math. We assume the equations. It is quite hard.

"We're going to write a test. Any questions?" says Mrs. Johnson. She gives us papers. "You have 30 minutes. Alright, start."

It's hard, I don't understand how to count it. I make a few examples but that's all. I have a bad feeling about it. The rest of day runs as usual.


I decide to go straight home. I have to clean house, cook and learn. I don't know how to make it.

I'm freezing on the way home. Winter is coming and my red leather jacket isn't the best for this weather, but I can't find my coat. When I finally arrive home, I make some tea to warm myself. After I drink it, I felt better. I go to clean the kitchen and living room before Spencer arrives home.

I can hear the key. Oh no! The dinner isn't ready yet!

"Where is my dinner?" he asks.

"Just a few minutes," I answer back.

He slaps me. I feel the pain on my cheek. "I told you that I wanted warm dinner when I arrived home! Do you understand me, little brat? If it happens again I can promise you that it will hurt more!"

I serve him dinner at the table and go to take some for myself but he stops me.

"Today you won't eat! Maybe that will help you to remember your responsibilities."

I run to my room. I can't stop the tears falling down my face. My cheek hurts, but it isn't so bad. I lie in my bed curled in a ball with my baby blanket. I know it's crazy but anytime the smell of it makes me feel safer. I'm hungry and I can't stop crying.

I'm not crying because I'm afraid of him. I'm crying because of how screwed up my life is.


The next day, I can't get out of bed. I'm so tired from crying the entire night. Somehow I make it and get dressed. I finally find my coat, it's not super warm, but it's better than my leather jacket. I go to take anything to eat. Fortunately, Spencer isn't at home anymore. I take what I find and head to school.

Mary Margaret's POV

I'm drinking a cup of coffee like usual before school. Today is a little colder than most days so I decide to go to my car, which is more comfortable. I take my jacket and go to school.

After the short ride to school, I park my car and go to the teacher's common room. I sit next to my friend Claire Johnson. She teaches 6th grade.

"Hey, what's new?" I ask her with a smile.

"Good morning Mary Margaret! Nothing much, I'm just checking students' tests. Do you know the new girl, Emma Swan?" she asks.

"Yeah, I met her before. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing, it's just that she wrote the test really badly, do you know something about her?"

"No I don't," I answer her. The bell announces the start of school. She was running late.

"Bye, see you later, Claire!"

I can't help my thoughts from wandering to that little girl Emma. Does she have problems? If so, I will found out. Coincidentally, my last lesson today is with Emma's class. I will talk to her.

Emma's POV

My throat and head hurt a little, I think I caught a cold. I hurry to my art lesson with Mary Margaret.

These lessons have always been exciting for me. I love painting, writing, reading...

Today we're painting the things we love the most. I decide to paint a forest.

Mary Margaret stops at my desk and looks a while. "What are you painting, Emma?" she asks.

"I'm painting a forest because it's a place where I can think, there is a quiet and calm atmosphere," I answer simply.

"It's lovely, Emma," she tells me with a smile. "I hear you have some problems in Math if you will need any help you can come to me, okay?"

How does she know I have problems? "Thanks, I will remember that," I tell her.

After that, I close my eyes for few seconds, my head hurts too much.

"Are you okay, Emma?" Mary Margaret asks with fear in her voice.

"Yes, my head hurt a little, but it will pass." I soon feel a hand on my forehead.

"Emma, you're burning, you must go home! You're sick!" The bell announces the end of school. "Emma, go call your parents, they should take you home".

"I don't have parents only a foster father and he will be at work," I answer her.

"Okay, I'll take you then, you shouldn't go outside like this."

I don't argue with her because I know I can't make it home like this, my head hurts too much. In few minutes, I'm sitting in her car on my way home. I feel a little awkward, but safe. I don't want to leave her company, but we stop in front of my house.

"Thanks, Mary Margaret!".

"You're welcome honey, just rest and heal. If you need anything, just call." She gives me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"Okay, bye," I mumble, heading toward the house.

To Be Continued...

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