best day ever? Yep

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The alarm clock buzzed in the sleepy 15 year olds ears, yet until he slammed the dismiss button in frustration. Though it was off for about 5 minutes it once again turned to buzzing the frustrated boy,Craig in the ear. "God, alright already!!" The tired boy rolled out of his bed,ruffled his hair and headed to the shower

----------time skip out of the shower--------

Craig wore the same clothes almost everyday. He then took a glaze at the clock ,it read 8:30. Craig's eyes widened in terror as he realized he was late " HOLY S**T IM LATE!!" Craig quickly grabbed a strawberry Poptart (of course) and ran out the house.

---------time skip to school----------

Craig slams open the classroom door shakingly. "I'm here!" " your late again Craig, the principle will be calling you down shortly. If you want to pass this grade you have to get here early,be here every day,complete your assim-" the history teacher was cut off by an announcement from the principal "Craig Tucker,Craig Tucker please report the main main office Craig Tucker" repeated the announcement. Craig knew he was in trouble and knew what this meant "well great" Craig sarcastically mumbled as he turned out of his seat and slopped to the office to face his consequence. As Craig walked down to the office he spotted his friend,Tweek walking from the bathroom to class. Tweek and Craig kept walking but made eye contact at the same time. Craig thought about how long he has known Tweek, but soon came the office which broke his thoughts "ugh" Craig then groaned in misery as he neared the office. He slowly freaked open the door and walked into the principal's office "now, Craig what is the excuse this time?" "I....I woke up late" Craig looked down the whole time and didn't dare to look at the principal. " you know how this will effect your grades right Craig? You need to be EARLY. Now I will see you next Wednesday for 2 weeks of detention" the principal seemed serious this time rather than others "ugh real-" Craig was cut off by a slam on the desk. " MEAN IT CRAIG, BE HERE BY NEXT WEDNESDAY" Craig walked out and grunted at her words. He hated her guts. But then something broke his was...tweek? Why did he suddenly pop up in Craig's mind? Craig thought about him and wondered..why..whatever just shake it was nothing ,right? But then you noticed that Tweek would always stare at you...Like all the didn't creep you out though but for some reason you just wanted you were then alarmed by the bell ringing on the wall that you were right next to. "Ugh! At this point I am gonna lose my hearing!" Craig hurried to class and quickly grabbed his backpack and walked to the next

he didn't really like any classes but at least he was with someone he knew..which was Tweek. He just realized he hasn't done his homework either ,and also happens to sit next to Tweek. Craig sat down and quickly took out his unfinished homework. "Hey dude, can I copy your homework?" Craig asked the nervous friend of his. "Nggg oh god, I don't know?! Ughh remember what happened last time?!" "Yeah but this will be really quick!" Craig yanked tweek's book and copied his answers. "Ngg dude the teachers coming!!" "Hold on I'm almost done!" "Dude give it!!" Tweek grabbed the book with only one question left to finish on Craig's paper "hey thanks I'll pay you back today" the teacher walked up to the chalk board and explained that they were having a science project and had to pair up. "Hey wanna park up?" Craig said smoothly on the inside though he was really nervous."umm, s-sure!" Gladly the bell rang later on and Craig and Tweek walked out. "Hey so after school ,wanna go grab a coffee or somethin?" " they would be much appreciated, t-thanks" tweets twitches made Craig shiver with delight.

---------time skip till after school----

Craig ran up to Tweek and began to walk away from school. More like hell to them. " so we going to the coffee shop?" Yeah but I don't have any money" "no I have some, plus you let me copy your homework earlier so I should pay you back" " t-thanks" Tweek looked at Craig and smiled, which made Craig flustered. "C-Craig are you alright?" "Eh what do you Mena I'm fine!" Craig quickly looked away from tweek's eye contact.

-------------finally arrived to the coffee shop-------

"So what do ya want?" Craig asked Tweek and he grabbed the money from his wallet. "Ngg well just a regular black coffee.." Tweek tried not to be so expensive but tried to get something he liked.Hey don't you uh, work here?" "No I'm off for a while I have alot more exams so I'm not gonna be here for a while" "oh cool,so a black coffee right?" Yeah" Craig ordered the coffees and they both sat down together and began to talk for over an hour but one certain conversation came up.." so uh..can I ask you a private question?" "Ung....s-sorry what is it?" "Um you...straight?" Tweeks eyes widened as he began to blush crimson red. " uh I...I...I think so..." "oh....ok...sorry..for um...asking..I have to get going." "Um..ok...bye Craig!" Tweek tried to give a smile to Craig but he couldn't help but worry. "Darnit I knew I shouldn't have said anything!!" Tweek walked out the shop and headed home.

-----------skip to Tweeks house------

Tweeks P.O.V

Ugh why did I say that! Darn it I should've said I wasn' I? I really like Craig and..I've known him for so long..he....somehow always manages to calm me down..and...makes me I mean he seemed pretty bummed out when I said I was straight..even if me and him were gay he wouldn't...fall for me..I'm just a nervous wreck!'ll tell him the truth tomorrow....but...if he's still awake he will see the text now...should I call or text him......well if I text him it will be less awkward..

Text dialogue

Tweek:hey man I have something to tell you

Craig: what is it?

Tweek: well about earlier....I...I'm not straight...


Tweek:..yeah..Um you seemed pretty bummed out earlier. Are you alright?

Craig:yah I'm fine just tired

Tweek: um so hey...later...maybe tomorrow wanna...go out again?


Tweek: I meant up....

Craig:uh sure

Tweek: house?

Craig: uh sure..thnx uh I will see you later I gtg

Tweek: Ok see ya goodnight :)

Craigs P.O.V

omg did Tweek just ask me out?!!? This is the best day ever!! Ok well now I sound like a fangirl but holy crap! I can't wait to see him...but...this is..kinda...a...weird change...but..I like it..heh I guess it's time to get some rest..tomorrow's another day right..

Craig slowly drifted off into a nice sleep.

~this is the author!!!! Hey so I hope you enjoyed this VERY long chapter and I hope you want me to continue ^-^ arigato!!!!

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