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rated m for mavi

ayvie walked out of his room to see kevo and his girlfriend Alyssa eating each other's faces like omgizzle

ayvie decided to go over to Meetch and scoot's place to keep things from getting awkward
ayvie rang the doorbell,
"ayvie what the hubbascipla fubbashipwa are you doing here" Meetch asked
"Kevin and Alyssa were sucking each other's faces and it was weird af so I decided to come here so hi"
"ugh okay"
Meetch opened the door for ayvie to come in and he ran into the kitchen
"wut is there 2 eat??!?" he asked
"you can eat my ass"
"can I eat ur ass w/ ketchup"
"yea man I recommend it"
"where is the ketchup"
Alex walked in and Meetch was like sup jawline joe and Alex was like yo septum ring Sally
ayvie was like damnzilles now Meetch is all distracted and I can't eat his ass :(
Scott walked in and was like when the diddly shabaha did ayvie get here and ayvie was like boy I've been here for 3 minutes
it was time for dinner and they were ordering Chinese food yay
"why are we ordering Chinese, Meetch u told me that I could eat ur ass why did u lie to me :((("
Meetch laughed an evil laugh
Meetch laughed heh
"u dumbutt, I was joking"
"WHAT DID U CALL ME" ayvie yelled
"a dumbutt" Meetch repeated
"lol k"
ayvie tried tackling Meetch and ran into the wall bc Meetch just moved away heh so ayvie fainted and when he woke up he realized his beard was gone !!1! 😰😔😱😱😱😰😔😱😰

the end

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