Fickle Fates

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Hi! I just got the idea and started writing. Hope you like = ^.^ =


Ivyshade gasped, digging his claws into the earth as he surveyed the scene before him. His mate, Fallowmoon, was lying on the earth before him, Crashingclan's medicine cat, Willowwisp, leaning over her. The red tom's white paws and underbelly were stained darker than his pelt with Fallowmoon's blood, the panic in his eyes clear. Chest heaving, Ivyshade cried, "What's wrong with her!"

"I don't know, Ivyshade! I-i-i've never seen anything like this. She was fine until I gave her those berries. They were the right ones I know it. Why is she dying!?"

"I don't know i'm not the medicine cat!" Ivyshade cried in despair. His mate was dying in kitting, how could this happen? His kit! Fallowmoon was only carrying one kit, but already Ivyshade had picked out a long list of names. Now he was watching his mate's life fade before his very eyes.

"We can only save one of them Ivyshade," Willowwisp said weakly, "Which will it be?"

Fallowmoon's breath was coming in raggad gasps, Ivyshade could see she was past saving. His breath caught in his throat, he knew which it would have to be.

"My.... My kit needs me..."

"I know this is hard Ivyshine, but it's for the best." Willowwisp's paws were flying as he hastened to deliver the kit. Blood stained the floor of the Nursury as Fallowmoon gave a final push and gave birth to the kit. Willowwisp hastily handed the she-kit to her father, who began to hastily lick the kit's fur in the wrong direction in attempt to warm her up.

"She's not going to make it!" Ivyshade cried.

"Take her to the rouge just outside out territory. He lives at the top of the cliff, I think he could save her."

"Right." Ivyshade grabbed the kit and darted from the den in direction of the border. He felt sick from leaving his mate to die alone, but his kit needed him.


So? What do you think? I am pumped about it, hope you are too! Keep an eye out for part

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