Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Ally Lane,I'm a 15 year old softmore. I live with my Mom,and her boyfriend. Her and my dad separated a few years ago after my father found out she was having an affair. They had a nasty divorce,but in the end I went with my mom because my dad wasn't capable of taking care of himself much less me. But don't get me wrong I still love him just as much as my mom. Although I love my mom I'm not to fond of her boyfriend,he's abusive towards her yet she won't leave him. He's tried stuff with me,but I've never told my mother about them. She has enough to deal with, the last thing she needs is to be worrying about her boyfriend sexualy harassing her daughter. Besides I wouldn't want any of my friends finding out about it. I just wanna get through highschool without any drama,or drawing to much attention to myself. So I'll just keep that little secret to myself

Hey guys!! This is my first book,so I'm sorry if it sucks. But I hope you enjoy it! :)

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