Intro yo!

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Names Emilee, The spelling is because I'm named after my dad, Lee=Emilee

Pronounced= Emily, Not thing to complicated ((I was called Emile and Emi - Lee -.-))

If you're under 18 and never heard the word fuck... well you have now!

Big Dogs are lush, Corgis and Papillons are accepted

I draw a lot, even in the most serious situation.

I'm not bright but I have spirit I guess (/^3^)/

I am weird as fuck so watch yo back, Jack!

Wanna know what I love... ANIME XD

I can be annoying, idk people have told me in the past...

I'm bi! Gender don't matter, just treat me right ^^

I'm British and Proud, but the rumors aren't true, I'm not prim and proper, -.-

That's all she wrote, *clicks fingers and lights go off*....




...It's dark in here...

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