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Hello, readers! I'm not positive on how clear I was explaining some things during the story, so I thought I'd give you some information up front; feel free to skip this note if you'd like to avoid any potential spoilers. The prologue takes place three years after the events of the movie; in that time, Ms. Bennett remarries - a Christian and a police detective, Christopher Graves - and changes the family's names to Bennett-Graves, a move Jamie strongly opposes. Sophie is in Kindergarten, a bit early but she's a bright kid; and having never known her birth father, she's very close to Christopher. On the Guardians' side, Pitch has been quiet since the events of the movie and the Guardians haven't heard from or about him once during all that time. Part I is told from Jamie's POV and takes place over a year after the Prologue; and Part II is told from Jack's POV and picks up immediately where Part I left off.

I'm writing this for NaNoWriMo 2015, just so you know what to expect.  This is an unedited, unbeta'd draft; expect some rambling, unnecessary scenes, missing scenes, more than a few typos, and -- in general -- a lot of mistakes; and let's not forget that Wattpad formatting never works for me. I intend to rewrite the story following the completion of this manuscript, but in the meantime I hope this will entertain you nonetheless. Please feel free to critique and criticize as you read, I'd greatly appreciate it!

This is a fan-created work of fiction; the author does not claim to own Rise of the Guardians or The Guardians of Childhood, which belong to Dreamworks and William Joyce, respectively. No profit has been made from this work.

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