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I hate to bother you, but I have something important to ask. It's a favour, really, but still an important one. Think of me as an old friend. Would you do one last favour for an old friend?

I would hope so. However, if you wouldn't then I suggest you leave this one on the shelf. Some happy trees died for the creation of this so at least let someone willing to help have it.

I suppose I should explain my situation, especially since it's soon to become your situation. Oh, please don't panic. No, really, don't; they'll notice faster if you start to panic. Who are they? You'll find out soon enough, I promise, but first I need to explain this favour and my situation.

There's a locker in the train station, number 328, I need you to open it. That's all, not too difficult right? The only tricky part is the combination. I'll reveal that later, this mass of words could so easily fall into their hands and I can't have them opening that locker before you.

I don't think any of us could survive that sort of a disaster.

I think they're starting to catch on that you've been let in on it all. I'm sorry, you've read too much now. They'll be coming for you soon enough. I'm so sorry. You're one of us now.

Us. Us and Them. It sounds like part of a cheesy movie about supervillains and heroes and everything being good in the world. But, this is real life - it doesn't work quite like that. Sadly.

Close this book, close it now. Seriously, shut the cover. Okay, actually, wait, read to the end of the prologue. Bit stupid to close a book in the middle of a paragraph. I'm not sure I'd want you knowing my story if you're dim enough to close a book after just one sentence from a stranger you've never even met. It's not like I've got a choice though, is it?

You're probably my last hope.

You're going to need to take this book and hide yourself away with it. Don't tell anyone you've got it - they have spies everywhere - and don't take it out in public - they have eyes everywhere too.


I suppose I should tell you my story now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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So, I sort of need a favour... (NaNoWriMo 2015)Where stories live. Discover now