CHAPTER 1(working progress)

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There was a guy. A retarded guy. His name was bob. Grumpy TIGERBUBUM. One day bob was being his normal self(being retarded) and was doing usual. Face planting it and getting scraped against the floor as if someone was grabbing him from the but and dragging him through the woods (on the floor tho) when he saw someone. That someone was a FANCY lady. Until.....

"HI!!!!" Bob said."GAAAAAASSSSSPP" the lady gasped loudly."UH HOW YA DOOIINNG!!!!"bob continued."........uh..."the lady sighed as she Fanted."oooooooorrrrrrrrhhhhhhh! SHE FAINTED!!!!"he said weirdly. Over from about......20 minutes of waking away was a group and they were go smacked to see the weirdest person they know. "UH HOW YA DOOIIINNGG!!!!" He said chasing after them."AAHH! Help us! This creepy guy or girl is chasing us!"the group screamed as they looked back to see this really wired face"DIOG!!!!" Mr.grumpy TIGERBUBUM screamed crosseyed.
The.............NEXT DAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Bob was walking through the woods as he saw something. His eyes widen as if he just saw a unicorn like this 😱. "PPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGYYYYYYY!!!!!!!"he screamed as if he was going to get killed by a knife. "OMGOMGHESSOBEAUTIFULLANDMEJESTICIWANTHERTOMARRYME"he said really fast. But it then turned to this"OEUEMSUHEISHSSISJDHSKSKIDKDJDKDODJSIDJDJDJDJDJ"he soon got ,married and had adoption with little piglets.BUT BUTBUT BUThe saw another female she looked like the front cover(sexy as usual) BUT he found out that his wife was staring at him with a grumpy face."I'm sorry I "LOVE" someone else :P. The pig looked at him with the other girl and cried. :P.oink oink oink" the pig cried.oops sorry in real life I did a MASSIVE burp ok back with the story XD. The pig looked up to see mr. Grumpy TIGERBUBUM and Mrs. Who ever her name is running thro a flower Suddenly she jumped off a cliff and killed herself randomly. KNOWONE knows why but she did it she had what ever she wanted.i guess all I can say is........   ; ( I turned out her name was loo and her last name was pooh eh make sense to me loo pooh. She had blond hair well looked like the colour. He found that his wife was a ghost. "LoO!!!" He yelled. She came running up to him. And she went right through him coz she a ghost) and fell off the cliff. Again. But then he met these girls. Ella was one of there namesake the others were, Melissa,Amber and Chloe. The girls didn't like the man and ran away screaming. "OMG THIS GUYS GONNA KILL US!!!" Amber said."HE'S GONNA RIP US IN HALF!!" Chloe said."WHAT THEY SAID and AAAAHHHH!!!" Melissa screamed. And Ella said."AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" They kept screaming when they ran past girls in there school. There names were. Sofie Kelsea Poppy Violet Matilda and Sieanna. They all screamed too when they looked at this man who happened to have this face 🤑. It was creepy. "OMG RUN!!!" Poppy screamed."YEAH GET YOUR BUST OUT IF HERE!!!" Violet screamed."SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!" Matilda screamed."OMG HES GONNNA BRAKE OUR NECKS!!!" Kelsea screamed."YESH RUN!!!" Sofie screamed."THIS FREAKS GONNA KILL US!!!" Sieanna screamed. A last they were all screaming."OMG THERE GONNA KILL US!!""HES GONNA RIP US IN HALF!!" "WHAT THEY SAID!!" "AAAAHHHH!!!!" "AAAAAAHHHHHH" " OMG RUN!!!" "YEAH GET YOUR BUST OUT IF HERE!!!" "SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!" "OMG HES GONNA BRAKE OUR NECKS!!!" "YESH RUN!!!" "THIS FREAKS GONNA KILL US!!!" The man just kept chasing em! "I WANT MY WIFE BACK AND IF NOT I WANT A FAKE WIFE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO" he screamed.the girls kept running."dear I'm right here". 0.0 oh wait"d-d-d-d-dear i-I-I-I'm r-r-right here r-r-right here *beat boxing* r-r-r-r-right here*beat boxing*" XD back with the story . "BABY!!!" He yelled. The girls needed up puking. They ran to each other dromaticly *fancy music* into she fell off the edg again and died. zDEH END. BUT WAIT. She came up as a ZOMBIE!!!! So they ran agin screaming. Into. ELLA DROPPED HER BANANA!. She ran back to get it but her friends pulling her back"we know how much you love your banana but we have to leave it!" She called. Ella dryer and get up and ran while he ate the banana then he had dinner,then bed, AND MORE CHASING,then came tea time,then bed time,then breakfast, AND THEN MORE CHASING!! Into he got tired and went to sleep.

            💩💩💩💩💩💩PØØP TRÆÑĘ💩💩💩💩💩💩
      THE END

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