Chapter 1 (Picture of Bell)

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NOTE: Most of my ideas come from "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series and "Heros of Olympus" series by Rick Roirdan

Chapter 1

It was the last day of school of the 2nd semester in the 2nd school in 1 year of being in Alabama. Me and my mom moved here after I was kicked out of almost every bording school in Texas. My mom gets pretty tired of it. I mean it's not like I try to get kicked out. It's all thouse girls who think they can spread roumers and let me just say the teacher.

Every one of my teachers judge me just because i was a trouble maker. My teachers would give me bad grades on purpose. I'm not lying ethier. One time I checked this persons who got a hundered on their test to check mine and I had the same exact answers. Now tell me that's a mistake.

My mom and I have been on our own scenic I can remember. My mom told me my dad left for a navel mission and never came back. The only weird thing is that we had no pictures of him at all.

I woke up by my alarm clock for the first time in my life. I sat up right away. Then I looked at the time it was 5 in the morining "ugh" I said I was sooo tired. I tried to sneek an extra 30 minutes and laid down, but the my mom yelled " you better not be trying to sleep. You're going to be late. Get up!"

"I'm coming mom" I said in a sarcastic voice and got out of bed and got dressed.

I put on the first faded blue jeans I found and a shirt that had the 'halo' logo. When I got down stairs my mom already had a bowl of my favorite cereal- Reese's puffs. I ate my cereal ran back up stairs to grab my bag and stuff my blue two piece swim suite in my bag.

When I got down stairs I herd my mom calling "Bell are you going to the pool with Ann." I replied "yea, but Ann never swims."Ann is my best friend. She was the first one to ever talk to me when I moved here for my freshman year. Ann has been limping the whole year and got an exuse not to do P.E. this whole year. I know what your thinking, what how is that possible, my answer is I have no idea.

I met Ann at our stop. "Hey, so are you ready for the last day of school?" Ann asked.

"Defiantly, I'm surprised I made it through without getting kicked out" I said. Ann knows all about me getting kicked out of every school I've been to. Also she knows I have ADHD and dyslexia. "I'm so proud of you" she said in a motherly tone. I laughed then replied "you sound like my mother"

The bus came and we hopped on.


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