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 Dr. Har Prashad

 Attitude plays a very significant role in human life. It can make us very progressive in life on one hand and on other hand attitude can put unlimited barriers in our life; it can totally discard us. It has been conceived that life of an individual is a joyous existence in this world, but attitude can pose so many obstacles in life, which are our mental barriers; these are due to our own self creations. These may finally pose discontinuity in our existence in the realm of continuity of happy life.

 First of all we must understand what is attitude; what way an attitude affects us and what are the kinds of attitude most of us have. It has been perceived that attitudes are generally built in inner human tendencies. Attitudes are also framed by external conditions. Un- timely easy success in life without struggle and efforts can create attitudes in one’s behavior. Wealth, position in society, egoism, easy success, achievement and power affect change in attitude and manifest attitude in a person. He starts considering himself a very strong, honorable and successful personality; he stops interaction with many others; his way of perception and understanding of various life situations becomes very narrow; he develops self boosted egoism.

 Furthermore, he starts considering himself a very superior personality as compared to many others; he stops giving respects to views of his own friends, peers and even honorable persons; he stops paying attention to all those whom he consider inferior in wealth, position and power; he is generally don’t even listen view point of his elders, who have vast experience of their lives. Attitude makes him close minded identity. Basically this becomes way of living of a person having attitudes. Most of people in society under egoism of any kind have this type of attitude; this is developed if one achieves more than what he deserves and what he is capable of.

Mostly people have negative attitudes in life; these are basically negative intentions; these make them very self centered; these dominate all human qualities and make them in human in dealings. It is generally forgotten that in this vast universe our identity is not even like a tiny grass then why we are having such a magnificent attitude, and deprive ourselves from fine subtle qualities and virtues of others by putting and arresting ourselves in a cave of self created egoism? It is a mystery of life; negative attitude does not allow us to come in contact with our own real self.

 Attitude gradually creates discontinuity in our existence to have relations with all others having much more superior inner virtues; even attitude creates void in us to be in contact with our own feelings. Our existence in this world becomes just a pseudo existence. Our attitude becomes barrier in continuity of our own happy existence; it deprives us from internal joy and imposes discontinuity in our happiness.

A man of attitude is not good listener; he does not listen with deep attention the core of message given in conversation by any one; his egoism does not allow him to grasp the conversation and it puts barrier to communicate suitably with others; his attitude is to spell out what he knows without listening to others; sponge and absorption property of his mind is discontinued to function and thus with time his ignorance level goes on increasing. He filters out even all sensitive ideas, which do not match his thinking; he discontinues existing in present time; he always remains in past and think of future. His attitudes make him redundant by his own thinking, words and deeds. Gradually time comes when no body listens to him; then only his attitudes and egoism get real mental jerk in his life.

 It is very dangerous in this fast moving progressive time to have any type of  attitudes in life; one must not create any barrier in reception of thoughts of others by his attitudes; one must have open ended life; he must not level with negativity and categorize any thoughts from others because of his narrow individualized attitudes.

In fact we must not design our own arbitrary ways in life because of self created attitudes if we want to ahead of our peers. We must know that life has multifaceted dimensions; there can be multiple ways to make a progressive dent to achieve wonderful goals; we must live and behave like a liquid to get merge in any crater of life without any attitude. We must not act in life like a business deal; life is to be treated like bliss; it is benediction. There one must have positive thinking in life without self centered attitudes and intentions. Only having open mind, we can learn without prejudice; attitudes make us prisoner and does not allow us to communicate with others.

Now the question arises, what must be done to modulate the attitudes? If one perceives that he is a person with attitudes and he wants to change it, then the path becomes easy. But, if one considers that he is not having any attitudes then it is very tedious to reform him. Sacred omnipresent forces by its own means will make him understand by frequent failures and by putting various obstacles in his path to make him visualize that he is wrapped in negative attitudes. As he perceives this fundamental reality and realizes it then only by his self efforts he can proceed adopting various means to dilute his negative attitudes. Gradually he will succeed and his attitudes will get dissolved in void; in discontinuity of time.

The efforts needed to dilute the cultivated negative attitudes in life are by transcendence of time and space; to be with the universal consciousness; to manifest consciousness to such an extent that whole world becomes a family for him. He must develop an attitude by the manifestation of consciousness to perceive that no one is inferior to him. He must remember that evolution of each one of us is at different level but we all are from the same source. As wisdom increases by being with the Self; by transcendence of time and space with discontinuities; subtle qualities get manifested; one becomes perfect human being; then there is continuous progress in all activities in realm of life; all pseudo attitudes in life get diluted; all negative attitudes disappear and there remains no discontinuity in progress; life becomes full of joy; and existence of all barriers in life vanish.

 Most of attitudes in life are like ripples in the ocean; generally they are short lived; being with the Self, they can be easily diluted. Then life becomes blissful with only positive attitudes. By manifestation of consciousness, attitudes are transformed in gratitude and thus subtle virtues are developed in the inner core; then only success in all activities of life is assured. Deep engraved attitudes are very dangerous; they create barriers in progress. Only transformation of personality by self efforts can assist to level and nullify the built in of such groove of attitudes and effect of such attitudes in life. It is only possible by transcendence of time and space, by being merged in Supernal with discontinuities in the realm of existence in continuity of life.       

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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