Chapter 1

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Thursdays. The day right before the blissful Friday. Just one day away from being able to do whatever the heck you wanted. In this case, Kitty could go home and watch anime all weekend long.

Kitty sat in her seat, fidgeting around, anxious as to what would happen next in her day. She played with her necklace, a small blue triangle shaped jewel. This necklace wasn't just any piece of jewelry, it was her connection to a team of specially trained agents. Sure, she was only in high school, but she possessed great power. Many students at her school knew of this, but no one had ever witnessed her use it. The team of agents, known as Star, was made up of people with similar abilities, and were trained to protect her and themselves from rogues, people with those same abilities who use them for villainy.

"Hey, hey, Kitty, calm down," a voice said through her receiver. Kitty took a deep breath and placed her hands onto her laptop and continued her work. Star was in constant contact with her, even when she was in school. The rest of Star went to different schools or were already graduated. Kitty wrote each word carefully, as she couldn't fail this class. Recently her stress levels had been getting worse, prior events scaring her into paranoia.

The bell rung for the end of the period. Just one more class. You can do this. Kitty told herself as she packed up her bag. She stepped out of the English classroom and quickly made her way to the Lab. Placing her bag onto the floor next to a chair and plopping down on the seat, she quickly grabbed her folders and placed them on the table in front of her.

"Kitty! You're early," Ms. Juniper, her science teacher, exclaimed. Kitty merely nodded her head before starting to work on some chemical equations. Her pencil glided on the paper, a small scratching sound following each stroke of the graphite tip. Soon more students filed into the room, taking their seats as class started.

"Okay class! We will be continuing practicing chemical equations and electron notation. Follow Kitty's lead and get started. If you finish the handout early, I have your homework for tonight that you can start," Ms. Juniper told the class. The students took out their folders, some talking to their friends about how useless this skill is. Kitty hated hearing this, she valued every lesson she learned in science class and aspired to go into computer sciences.

"Maybe you would find it useful if you payed attention..." Kitty said to them, voice barely above a whisper. She was a very kind person and was plenty assertive, aggressive, even, but sometimes she could come off as shy and quiet. The other students looked at her and nodded. Unlike many other schools, this school's community was tightly knit and everyone was kind to each other.

Kitty continued her work until she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She lifted her head, pushing her glasses further up on the bridge of her nose, and looked around, suspecting it was a student who had gotten up to grab something or go to the bathroom. Surprisingly, everyone was still at their seat, appearing as if they had been sitting there for quite a while. Kitty shrugged it off and clutched her necklace with her free hand for some comfort.

"It's ok, m'lady, everything will be taken care of soon. And even if something were to happen, we are right here, ready to come to your aid at any time," a voice, not the same one was before, said through the receiver.
"Sorry guys, it's just a habit," Kitty whispered into the microphone that was attached to the earpiece. She gently let go of the jewel and continued on her work, resting every few minutes to stretch her hands out.

Suddenly, she feels herself pushed out her chair and onto the tiled floor. She landed with a soft thud and a grunt.

"Woah, Kitty are you alright?!" one of the voices from the earpiece shouted.
"Ow, yes, you can stop shouting!" Kitty said, growing a bit irritated. She looked up to see a faint outline of a person, slowly moving towards her. She backs up until she hits the cabinets behind her and the figure stops. It seemed to want to reach out and grab her but before it can, Kitty swings her legs underneath the entity and stood up as she watched the figure fall to the ground.

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