Story one

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I was watching a horror movie at the new house we just bought, while my mom and dad were out.

The movie was getting to the really scary part wen I herd a weird scratching sound coming from the basement scratch scratch . It was like the sound of sharp claws on a hard surface. I had only went in the basement a couple of times , and I could already tell you that it was really creepy.  Scratch scratch there it was again . I turned off the TV and got up ,I slowly walked to the metallic door leading to the basement, trying to make the least noise possible.I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled 911 but didn't press the call button. I had my finger ready though.

  I reached for the door knob with shaky fingers, scared of what could be on the other side.  I took a deep breath and told myself " Get a hold on yourself Alexi, there is nothing scary on the other side, it's probably just a cat ".  I repeated that phrase over and over in my head, until I found the courage to open the door.  Boy was I wrong!

  What was on the other side was seriously scary.

Blood puddles covered the floor, on the walls were scratches of something that definitely wasn't a cat.  Circles with weird unreadable writing inside were etched on the back wall.  In the other side of the room, was a vile creature that seemed to have jumped straight out of a horror movie.  It had hollow eye sockets, a skeletal face, and thin, sharp and long fangs sticking out of its horrid mouth. Covering places of its face was greasy hair of the darkest colour.  My blood ran cold as it turned its attention to me, I was frozen in fear, and chills ran up my spine.  I knew I had to run, or that thing would tear me apart.

Suddenly everything stopped.  It felt as if I was moving in slow motion.  I stepped back and slammed the door shut. Adrenaline flowing through my veins I jumped over the couch and burst out the door. I ran and I ran, through the prairies surrounding my house.  I ran until my legs couldn't carry me anymore.  Then I crawled, I crawled until my hands were raw and bloody.  All I had to do was get away from the monster, then I would be safe.

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