1: Escape (Prologue)

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Castiel ran, he ran as fast as his feet could take him. He turned onto the asphalt, trying to not drop his bag.

He had to hide; he had to escape. Castiel's lungs were starting to burn with the harsh breathes he's taking in. His bare feet were hitting the loose rocks and, man, if Castiel wasn't in a rush he'd probably tear his own hair out. It felt like his feet were being impaled by tiny nails. Today could not get any worse, Castiel thought.

Castiel turned the corner running to the familiar house; Gabriel. He'd fix this. Gabriel always gets into situations like this. Well, not like this, but similar. That's what he always told Castiel, anyways.

Castiel knocked on the door; no answer. He knocked again, harsher this time, -which caused the scabs on His knuckles to break and restart the flow of enormous amounts of blood. "Gabriel!" He screamed. "Let me in, please!" Castiel started to cry. His tears were tracing over the dry stains of past

"Cassie?" Came the reply, after what seemed like forever.

"Gabriel, I need your help!"

Gabriel walked into his narrow hallway, he was in a wife beater and boxers. He must've just woken up.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" He rubbed his eyes.

"I don't know what happen," Castiel rambled, "I- I didn't mean to- I panicked! He was gonna kill me, Gabriel, please!" Castiel was blubbering as tears littered his face once again. Gabriel got a good look at his brother. It seemed like he was just in a fight with the Tasmanian devil. Jesus.

"Whoa, Castiel- I need to know what happened."


Castiel shifted the hood of his jacket to cover his face more as he rushed into the bus station. He pushed passed people, making sure to keep his head down. Castiel tried to keep all of his emotions pushed to the back of his mind; he couldn't help the few tears that made their way down his cheeks.

As soon as he reached the booth, he was gone in a heart beat. Castiel clutched his ticket to his chest. His grip was death-like as he maneuvered passed the crowd of people. Before Castiel could reach the exit, a man bumped into him, almost making him drop his ticket.

"I-I'm sorry, are you okay?" The old man blubbered out apologies like his life depended on it. All Castiel did was keep his face hidden the best he could and ignored everyone he came into contact with. He watched as the police pulled up outside, he instantly knew they were here for him.

Castiel finally made his way out to the buses. He hurried onto his before it drove off.


The man ran into the bus station, searching frantically for his target. He made his way towards the ticket booth, totally skipping the long line that was waiting patiently. He earned many protests, but ignored them as he placed a photo onto the glass in front of him. It was a picture of a raven-haired man, about twenty-years-old or so.

"Have you seen this man?" He formally asked. The man behind the counter slowly shook his head after examining the picture closely.

"Are you sure? No?" The man took off, asking anyone he saw about the man in the picture. Everyone declined, everyone but the man who had bumped into Castiel on his way out.

"Isn't his hair brunette, and shorter?" The cop dismissed the man's remark as he continued onward. He made it outside just in time to see the buses leave the station. He silently cursed while punching the side of the building.


A/N: Here's the prologue my dudes. I'm probably gonna post the next chapter tomorrow or Wednesday. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS. I know my writing isn't the best, it'll get better, I promise.

Also QOTD:





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