at least i was only there for an hour

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It was my friends 16th and we were getting ready to go out at her house. We were having a great time! Once we were all ready we took pictures for social media expecting the caption to be 'such a good night' or 'unreal night' but little did we know it would be closer to 'most eventful night of my life....'

We went to the place we were partying got in and had a good time. We were playing a game we always do which is when we said "omg we went to primary school together!' To random people we didn't know. We said this to a random guy and ended up in conversation with him.

We began to spend the night with him thinking he was lovely. Later that night we all when outside to cool down and the guy asked me and another friend if we wanted to go to the park *winking*. At first we laugh but he was serious, we thought for a minute and decided to go for a bit. It was just beside the nightclub.

He took us down and we continued to have a good time, kissed and messed around for a bit, nothing big. Then he offers me and a friend some alcohol. We look at each other thinking 'no' 'we're underage' but we feel so pressured into it we say yes.

After some drinks and messing we went vsack to the club. Soon after we arrive the poice do also, they just check no drink is served and no one is drunk. They went around but the party went on. Me and my friend that had been drinking were dancing and tumbling every now and again. The police were beside us when i happened to fall and so did my friend they asked to see us and we went outside.

I didn't think i had drunk enough for them to notice. They began to breathalyzer us and found we had been drinking. They ask were we got it and we said some man... They proceeded to tell us off and said we had to go to the station for our parents to pick us up. They questioned us for a while then called our parent. Turns out the alcohol we received had a small amount of drugs in...

That was over 2 years ago, i haven't touched alcohol since.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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