First Meeting

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  No one's POV:
Luke ran through a pole as he was getting chased by the poaches as usual. Lyon saw him do this and looked at him with interested but ignored him.
"Hello Sir." Luke said
"Yes, what do you want?" Lyon said in an annoyed voice.
"Could you help me?" Luke said timidly.
"Help with what?." The Lyon glanced at him.
"I'm trying to get to Fairy tail but I kind of got chased by some people." Luke said almost to quiet to hear.
"Alright I'll help you but who is chasing you anyway?" Lyon asked
"I'm running from poachers. It's usual for me." Luke shrugged.
Lyon started to head into the forest to the general area where Fairy Tail is located before asking another question. "Why?"
"Because my dad hates me and sent them after me because I'm a wolf slayer." Luke said emotionlessly.
"Well okay and here we are." Lyon said.
"Thanks I'm Luke Heartfilia." Luke said.
"Just call me Lyon." Lyon told him as he walked away   

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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