Chapter one

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   "So! Amelia Pond! We have landed somewhere! I'm not sure where but it's fun because everything is fun. Right guys?"
     Amy and Rory shrugged.  Demons run, dalek asylum, and the time when Rory was a plastic roman were definitely NOT fun.
     The doctor walked out of the Tardis and into what looked like a hallway.
   "Gravity? Yes definitely gravity. It's fake gravity. Yes fake gravity. So!" he clapped his hands together. "Let's find out where we are!"
    Amy and Rory followed him out of the Tardis and they looked around. They were definitely in a hallway. The hallway had light grey walls and dark grey floors and ceilings.
       They walked down the hallway, their foot steps the only sound that was echoing off of the walls. The creepy silence was broken when the doctor clapped his hands and pointed at an electronic map in the hall.
     "I know where we are! We are on the mighty star ship Enterprise!!" the doctor exclaimed excitedly.
     "You mean like Star Trek? Isn't that just a tv show?" complained Rory.
    "Yes, and no, but yes! It wasn't just a TV show, it was real, just several years into the future. It's because I might have left their diary in your era..." the Doctor looked at the map. "Let's go to the bridge!!! I have special permission to be on this ship. Or I might. I don't think I've been here yet. Oh yea, I haven't been here yet. The walls don't look that old and," he licked the walls, "I really have not been here yet."
    They walked to the elevator and clicked the button that takes them to the bridge. "Something is wrong, very very wrong. Nobody is here, why is nobody here?" said the doctor as he tried to figure things out in his head.
     "Maybe they are all asleep?" offered Rory. Amy looked puzzled as she thought out all of the possible reasons as well.
Ding!!! The elevator had landed on the bridge. The Doctor and his companions walked out onto the bridge to see all of the members of the crew

Dead. They were all murdered.

Time Shift: a doctor who and Star Trek fanficWhere stories live. Discover now