Teresa White

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Name: Teresa Ellis White

Nickname: Teresa doesn't like nicknames, but she allows her partner, Gracie, to call her Tee, and her brother, Nathan, to call her Tessa.

Reason for name: Her mother thought it was a pretty name. She wanted her daughter to be called Tessa.

Birthday: August 5, 100 B.C.

Age: She can change her physical age at will. She was born 355 B.C.E.

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Paeonia, Ancient Greece

Places lived since: Everywhere. She was also gifted her own planet when she turned 600, by Order. Her childhood home was in Ancient Greece, and she stayed at her childhood home for almost a century before moving away. She also spent a very long time in Africa, learning different African languages and cultures.

Parents' names, backgrounds, occupations: Teresa's mother's name was Maria White. She was born in Macedonia, also in Greece. She was a firm believer in the Greek gods as a child, and even more so as an adult. Maria was betrothed to a very rich man at the tender age of fifteen, which fell through when she and another man fell in love. This man was none other than the Greek god Hypnos, and, as Maria's parents were also firm believers in the gods, they were allowed to be together. Maria bore Hypnos a pair of twins- a son and a daughter. Hypnos soon left her with two demigod children, and, as a gift, granted Maria immortality. The immortality, however, only prevented her from aging. If she were killed in battle, she would not come back to life or regenerate. She was singled out by Chaos and Order, primordial beings who announced that Maria was their descendant and gifted Maria's children with immortality, regeneration, the power of creation, and the ability to teleport to all known universes. Maria didn't have a job until after this, becoming a seamstress and weaver to support her children out of wedlock. Because no one in her city wanted to marry a woman with children that were not theirs, and she was seen as a witch for her inability to age, so it was a hard childrearing process for her, though Teresa was raised with good values and had a pleasant childhood. Teresa's father was Hypnos, the immortal god of sleep. There isn't much to say about him, actually. He impregnanted Maria, then left to preform his godly duties.

Number of siblings: She has one other sibling, a twin brother named Nathan who was born seven minutes before she was.

Relationship with family: Teresa had a great relationship with her mother, Maria, before she died. They talked frequently and Teresa felt comfortable with her. She vented about a lot of her issues with her brother. However, she doesn't get along with her brother very well. Nathan, being the physical manifestation of Chaos on a smaller scale, and Teresa, being the physical manifestation of Order on a smaller scale, constantly argue and are out balance. Their worst argument occurred after Nathan was forced to kill her mother. Teresa blamed him for it, though it wasn't his fault. They didn't talk for a millenium afterwards, until the rift between Chaos and Order healed. Teresa is indifferent to Hypnos. She never grew up knowing him, and by the time he tried to be her father for real, it was too late.

Happiest memory: Her happiest memory was that of finally marrying the love of her life, Gracie White. She loves Gracie with all of her heart, and when she finally made Gracie hers, she felt like her heart was going to pop with joy. She had never loved another person like she loves Gracie.

Childhood trauma: Her childhood trauma was when she first met Chaos and Order. They were large and frightening and, ultimately, the people who ruined her relationship with her brother. Before the change, she and Nathan were as close as twins could be. She will never, in all of her years, forget the day her brother was taken from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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