The Asylum

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I awaken to a scream. I had dozed off in a storage closet, where I had hidden after the last attack.

Apparently the Asylum just got another victim. I hope it wasn't Sara or Danny.

We were stupid to come in here in the first place. We thought it would be a good thrill, being as it is Halloween. Forget thrill. We've been in here two hours and most of us are dead.

Every thirty minutes, one of my classmates disappears, only to reappear later gruesomely murdered. That's not the worst part, though. They are undead, possessed or something, and trying to kill us. So far whoever [or whatever] is doing this has beheaded Harlem, maimed Trinity, scalped Reese, and gutted Ana.

I hear footsteps outside the door. As they come closer, I notice the dim light of a flashlight. That's a good sign, since the attackers never carry them. I crack the closet door and see Sara, standing in the middle of the room.

"Ben!" she exclaims after I exit the closet, "Thank God! I thought maybe they'd gotten you."

"Nope," I reply in a hushed tone, "Where's Danny?"

"Right here," Danny says, walking into the room, just as I last saw him.

"So, they got Gennah," I state, "What happened?"

"Haley broke her neck," Sara states, "It's just the three of us now." That worries me. These guys are my best friends. I don't want anything to happen to them.

"I feel really bad I suggested this," Danny states, "If I had kept my mouth shut, we'd be at home watching horror movies and our classmates would be just fine."

"There're only two minutes until the next attack," Sara reminds him, "Come on, I know a really good place to hide."

She leads us into the old children's room. It's really psycho in there. There are pictures of the people who used to work here. They all look really creepy. Maybe that's just my imagination, given the rumors about this place.

Every Halloween, people talk about this place. They say that in the old days, this asylum did experiments on the patients, particularly the children. After tonight, I believe it.

I notice two pictures on the end. My eyes widen and fear fills me. The two employees look exactly like Danny and Sara. I brush the dust off the name plate. It reads: Daniel Reed and Sara Wendall.

I turn around to face my "friends". Danny is holding a drill; Sara is holding metal restraints. I slowly retreat towards the door.

"Congratulations," Danny says, "You're the last one left!"

"We have a special treatment for you," Sara states. I try to run, but they're able to grab me. Sara slams me onto a hospital bed and chains my hands and feet down. The last thing I remember before I lose consciousness is the feel of the drill against my forehead.


My warning to you is that you should never go poking around in an old, seemingly abandoned asylum. Sara and Danny are still out there, waiting to lure in with their next group of victims. Did you hear that?

They're waiting to lure you!

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