My Name Is... (First Three Chapters)

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Kim lay on her back, on what felt like a very uncomfortable bed. She could feel a metal rod pressing into her back. A cot maybe? She was stuck somewhere between awake and asleep and hadn’t felt like preying her eyes open. Funny, she couldn’t remember how she got here.

Kim jerked her eyes open and sat up with a start. In fact she couldn’t remember anything. A quick glance around the room didn’t help any. She sat on a cot in the center of a small white room. White walls, white floors, white ceiling. If not for the lines where the floor met the wall and the wall met the ceiling she might have just assumed she was in a vast expanse of white. Kim craned her neck and saw what looked like a small white security camera in the corner of the ceiling. It’s tiny red light the only color to be seen. Then it struck her. The were no light on the ceiling. So where was the light coming from? As she looked around for a source of light her heart dropped. No windows or doors either. What kind of place was this? Kim stood and slowly circled the room, letting her hand run across the smooth white surface of the wall.

“Hello?” Kim spoke quietly, “Is anybody there?” No answer. She cleared her throat and raised her voice a little, “Hello?”. Still nothing. Kim’s heart started to beat faster. She could feel her chest constricting, and her breathing quicken. She was yelling now, ‘Hello?”. Panic was starting to set in. How did she get here? How was she supposed to get out? And the biggest question, where was here?Suddenly she heard a small metallic whir. She stopped walking, waited, strained.  Trying to hear anything. A computerized voice suddenly spoke sending Kim sprawling into the floor in surprise,

“Please state your name”.

Kim just sat there on the floor dumbfounded. She didn’t speak a word.

“Please state your name” the robotic female voice echoed. Kim rose to her feet, stammering “My, my name?” she finally got out.

“Yes, please state your name”

Kim opened her mouth to answer, “My name is” she paused and started again “My name is”. Panic crept across her face. “I, I don’t know my name”.

The computer spoke again “Please state your name”.

She was starting to breathe heavy again. Her head started to swim, she yelled in anger “I said I don’t know! Who are you? Where am I?”

“Please state your name”

Kim sucked in a breath and drew out her words, “I don’t know!”

“Please state your name”

Kim’s mind was racing, and her head was spinning. She lost her balance and fell to her knees. She screamed, “Stop it! Stop it! I told you I don’t remember!”

“Please state your name.”

Kim could barely think straight, the room was spinning around her. “Please just stop” she sobbed. “I don’t remember, I don’t remember anything.”

“Please state your name”

The voice sounded muffled. The room started to slip away, and Kim slumped to the floor.


   Kim awoke with a start panting, sweat pouring down her face. She slowly sank back into her pillow and stretched out on the padded king size bed. She must have had a another bad dream. Snow was slowly falling outside the bedroom window. Pulling the heavy quilt around her neck she searched the room. A fairly large room with tan walls. A dark heavy looking dresser stood in one corner piled with  clothes, waiting to be put away. To her right was the bedrooms only window draped with a long maroon curtain pulled and tied to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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