Chapter 1

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High school starts in just a few days. I'm so excited to see this new adventure in my life start, but I'm mostly excited to finally see my best friend, Gabriel. Gabriel is such a great friend to me. His dark hair and bright blue eyes are so cool, specially paired with his fair skin. I have know Gabriel since the 1st grade when we were both put in Mrs.Ramey's class. I don't even know how we became friends, the first day of 1st grade is all a blur now. Gabriel claims I wanted to play with is super amazing toy dragon but I doubt that.Haha.

Ever since we have done everything together! He knows me from the inside out. He was around for everything, even when I accidentally died my hair green. Luckily his older sister is a hairdresser and got me back to my brunette self. I have been around for him to. When he aced his math test, when he had a BMX tournament, and I will be there for all his future events! We can't be pulled apart!

*Phone rings it's Gabriel*

"Hey Gabe!"I happily say

"Um Autumn, you know how you always say you will be with me through everything?"

"Yea! Always!"

"Well I need some advice,"


"So you know how I moved to Kansas for the summer"


"Well I went to this camp while I was here and I met a girl,"

"Gabe you meet girls everyday I don't see what the problem is,"

"Let me explain further I like this girl a lot! And I think I wanna ask her out!"

"Oh well um-m, that's good."

"Yea and I think she likes me a lot and I really want to ask her out! I just wanted to here my best friends opinion first!"

"Oh that's g-grea-at! I'm so happy for you." I hesitated

"Perfect! Thanks so much Autumn!"

"Anytime! Well I best be going. Good luck!"

"Thanks again! Bye!"

*Autumn hangs the phone up*

Oh. My. Gosh. I never thought I would ever have that conversation with Gabriel. I mean I knew eventually he would get a girl friend but I don't think he's ready. It's just not a good idea. School is just starting and it will just get his focus off. He can't! He can't do this!

Why am I so envious? Gabe and I are just friends, we have always been just friends. I don't even see   Anything what so ever attractive about him. He's just a boy.

It won't leave my mind though. Just the thought of him with a girlfriend it just doesn't make sense. That's it! I'm not envious I'm confused! Gabe is just so not that type of guy, to go and get a girlfriend while in a different state. It's just so not him, maybe I should tell him? No, that would break his little heart. Gabe has always had a fragile heart when it come to things like this.

Anyways school starts soon and he will have to leave her so it won't even matter. See I don't care I'm just worried about Gabe I don't want him to get wrapped up in stuff he isn't ready for.

First Day Of School
"Gabe!!! You are back!!" I run up and hug Gabe

"Yea! And I'm glad to be back to beautiful California!"

"So Autumn, I have someone I want you to meet."

"Really who!?!?"

"This is Lillian, but she prefers Lilly."

"Hey!!" Lilly announces

"Hey, nice to meet you"

"So Autumn this is that girl I was telling you about the other day *wink* *wink*"

"Ohhhhhhhhh the girl! The special girl!"

"Yea we have been dating now for what has it been babe?"

"Two whole weeks!!!"

*school bell rings and they walk to class*

What the HECK!?!? She was supposed to stay in stupid ol Kansas! I can't believe she's here! She isn't even Gabes type! The blonde hair that flows in the wind , green eyes that glisten! It's just so not him! They don't even look good together! Why? Why? Why?

Short chapter to start off a new story
Tell me what y'all think of it so far
I feel like some epic drama is going to unfold soon
Make sure to check out my other stories as well
Thanks so much


QOTW-what do you think should happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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