Happy Birthday!

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This is going to be one, loooooong chapter for my dearest Onee-Chan, TheLitteBrownLegacy! I don't think I'll ever be able to quite convey just how much I love my sister into words, so hopefully... I can get these sons'a bitches to help! Hehe!


The nekogirl with the short brown hair awoke to the sound of crying. It was a high-pitched wail for attention, and, the second she was awake enough to form a coherent thought, she recognized the cry as that of her daughter's.

Despite her reluctance to leave the thick, cotton sheets that hugged her body, she knew she had to get up. After all, what kind of Mother would she be if she ignored her infant daughter's cry?

With a loud groan, she rose. Ears folding back as she balled her fists, rubbing them into her eye-sockets, alleviating her sleepiness.

Suddenly, as she was about to leave her room, the crying stopped. Instead, replaced with a melodic giggle, and content cooing.

Jewel smiled.

Only her, and one other man could make her children smile. (Any attempts from other crew members resulted in a violent attack from the nekobabies)

Flinging her door aside, she padded towards the nursery, black tail swaying behind her as she walked. Jewel passed the rooms of all her other crewmembers, until, she reached her children's room.

Opening the, already half open, door, she paused as her eyes laid notice to the various silk ribbons scattered about the floor. As well as torn wrapping paper, and sparkly bows.


She questioned curiously, ears twitching inquisitively.

The blonde male whipped around suddenly, baby in arm, ribbon in mouth. His eyes were wide, as if he had just been caught doing something despicable, wolf ears drooped.

Jewel remained silent a moment.

Before giggling.

"Sabo-Kun! What are you doing?"

The brunette asked, tail beginning to sway as she approached her fiancé, pulling the ribbon from his mouth.

Sabo whined.

"I was trying to wrap your birthday present! But I dropped something, and it woke Alice up... Now you're awake, too."

The Inu pouted, looking down at the nekobaby who simply giggled and squirmed happily at being held by her father, as well as the presence of her mother.

Jewel smiled, before casting her eyes around the room again. Suddenly, her curious orbs landed on a half-wrapped box. She smirked.

"Is that my present, Sabo-Kun?"

She asked, nodding pointedly at the box. Sabo blinked, turning away from his daughter, of whom he had just put back in her crib, beside her brother. His eyes widened.

"A-Ah! Yes! It is, but it's not wrapped yet! It's not ready!"

He yelled, moving to grab the box, until his feet were promptly frozen to the spot. Literally, frozen. Like, with ice.

Jewel snickered as she watched her fiancé squirm and thrash on the spot, unable to move, due to her devil fruit, as she kneeled down, opening the partially wrapped box. Sabo sighed in defeat, and watched as the girl pulled her present from the box.

Jewel's eyes widened, as in her hands, was a beautiful, mahogany, music box. It's design was intricate, carved and polished to perfection. A small, bronze latch held it closed. A crank at the back, of which would be turned in order to start the music. But the nekogirl paid no mind, simply examined the box itself.

Happy Birthday!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang