Chapter 1 / Intro

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(Shea's point of view)
LEAVE ME ALONE !! "Please let me have it you ugly fat shit" Said Charmain . I ran out of my door and leap down the stairs . She had got what she wanted and went on. I continued to go down the stairs when this gay couple came out of the office with 2 big folders of of documents. You could tell that they were gay because the were holding hands and were really close. I like gays and I have nothing against them so it's fine with me. There was one of them that had there hair dye a bright blue . The other one had really curly brown hair and bright blue eyes . I smiled at them and they one with the bright blue hair said "hey how you doing". "I'm doing good thanks " They then walked out of the building and got in there white car and drove on. They were going to adopt someone , who would it be. I hope it would be me and my sister violet. We could get out of this hell hole once and for all.

* I would just like to say this is my fist fanfic so it won't be that good but I hope enjoy *
If you would like you could follow me on @durey_s *

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