#1: First Day At Ouran

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Dedicated to @_Hoodie__ who helped my pick the picture for this book. Yes, I know I just showed it to you and you agreed with it, but HEY! A Master has to give their Butler some credit! ;)

Chapter #1:

"I've signed you up for Ouran Highschool!!"

I tripped over my light pink dress and tumbler to the ground. The book that was on my head fell with me.

I looked up at my Father, a gray haired man with dull eyes, and asked, "Wh-What!?"

He grinned like he had just evily kicked a puppy, and repeated, "I attended it in highschool, now so shall you! There's also many men there for you to chose from!"

I felt dumbfounded and numb. Could he really be serious!?!?

"B-but Father! I don't want to go!" I protested, sitting up.

Father's face went from happy to sickeningly evil. "Just do what I say. Now go to your room." When I hesitated, he yelled, "GO!"

I sprinted to my feet and raced up the staircase to my bedroom.

Why doesn't he understand!! I thought, my eyes burning with tears.

I barged into my room, my white room plain as ever. I ran to my pink, four-poster bed and flopped down on it, crying.

After a few minutes, I heard my door open and I looked up to see my maid, Hannah, smiling gently at me. Her light purple hair was neatly combed back as always.

(Yes. I did copy Kuroshitsuji a bit....)

"You poor dear. I feel terribly sorry for you." She sighed, while she walked over to my bed and sat down.

She stroked my golden hair like she hummed a tune I didn't know, but it helped.

"I just wish he'd know what I'm going through! He never stops and thinks of how I'm doing!" I mumbled into my sheets.

"Just remember that darkness-" Hannah started, and I finished for her.

"-comes before the dawn." I smiled. "Maybe Ouran won't be so bad."


"So......this Ouran Highschool?" I asked my chauffeur, Philip, as he pulled up to the school's front gates.

The school was mostly pink with a hint of yellow. Students were laughing and talking with friends all over the property.

"Yes. This is." Philip said as he got out of the limo and opened my door.

"Have a nice day, Miss!" He smiled and I stepped out, smiling back.

"Thanks Philip!!!" I shouted, as I started running to the school in my normal clothes.

My Father forgot to buy the girl's uniform, which was a long, yellow dress. I had to resort to wearing a gray collar shirt, a black and red skirt, and combat boots.

I felt the stares of other students weird looks and I could hear their whispers as I walked in the large school.

"Who's she?"

"What is she wearing?"

"She'd better not steal my Kyoya from me!"

Kyoya? I don't even know who she's talking about. I thought, then facepalmed awkwardly.

"Dang it. I don't know where my first class is." I mumbled, and started looking down several hallways.

"Room 1A. Music. Room 1A. Music. Room 1- AHA!" I exclaimed, looking up at the door that read 'Class 1A'.

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