Chapter I

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"That was wonderful Bri! Such a lovely place to dine at." Freddie happily told his boyfriend as they walked through the door of their flat. The four of them had just went to a nearby Italian place that Roger had suggested, mainly because they didn't want to go to the same place the next night. Instead, they'd be going to a classic Japanese place that the four of them absolutely adored. Freddie especially loved the beautiful, yet simple, decor of the restaurant that reminded him of the time they spend down in Japan during their earlier years and was excited to return to the country for their next tour. He heard Brian shuffle in behind him in, starting to remove his coat as he went in for another hug, unable to contain his joy.

"Whoa! Hey, it was just dinner. Nothing special." Brian said, looking down at the excited expression upon his face, not being able to hold back a smile himself once he saw the joy that lit it up.

"Oh but it's those little things that I just adore. And," He started, unhooking his hands from Brian's waist, running his hands across his shirt to help smooth it out. "Everyone gets excited when their birthday's the next day."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's also nice to see you in such a great mood." He said, thinking back to his earlier annoyance while they were at the studio.

"Oh but I'm always a joy to be around!" He replied, walking over to their bedroom and resting his foot against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, and flashing a cheeky grin at the younger boy.

The night they'd experienced hand't been as extravagant as Freddie tried to hype it up to be, at least in his mind. He, John, Roger, and Freddie had simply went out to dine at a nearby restaurant. Though he couldn't act like it wasn't a nice evening. Fresh Italian food and Roger had opted to buy a bottle of Sicilian wine for them to all share, lucky for him it had been on the sweeter side, or else the drink would have been foul. Yet, Freddie's mood had only brightened up ever since the meal had begun. His bubbly, almost childlike, attitude towards his birthday the next day was absolutely adorable! Grinning like it was Christmas morning and laughing at anything he said, as though nothing could bring him down.

However, in contrast to how he was acting right now, Brian had noticed a dark spot in the older boy's attitude once they parted from John and Roger, who had agreed to stay out later so that he and Freddie could have some alone time together. Though he knew how much Freddie adored having his closest friends with him for any big occasion, he knew that if he wanted everything to work out the way he wanted it to, he couldn't have the other couple in the flat for the time being. It was mainly an act of chivalry having them out of the house, since he did not want any commentary from Roger the next day or to make the other two feel awkward if they were there. Since they had promised him that they would be there before they got up, Brian knew he had little to worry about. All he hoped for was that they'd live up to the promise and actually get back there. John he wasn't worried about, he was quite punctual and knew not to delay anything, but it was Roger's somewhat reckless behavior that worried him. Yes, Roger had calmed down ever since John finally started wrangling in that wild spirit of his, just enough so that he wouldn't get himself in trouble, but he still couldn't manage showing up on time. Whether it be to recording sessions or even to dinner if John wasn't there to constantly remind him.

Brian laughed softly to himself at the other couple's relationship, hanging his coat up next to Freddie's in the process. As though Freddie had been reading his thoughts, he voiced his earlier concerns out to him yet again. "What I don't get is why John and Roger are still out. Nor why you wanted to get home so soon. It's still before midnight. Should be the other way around. John's not one to stay out late."

"Yes, but Roger is. Don't worry about them. They'll be fine." Brian replied joining him at the door, "Roger said he wanted to take him down to that pop bar he loves that wasn't too far from the restaurant."

Freddie shrugged it off, the concern quickly fading away as amazement at how quickly another year had passed replaced it. Though this year wouldn't be another milestone, unless you'd count 32 as something special, he was still glad nothing drastic had happened to affect it this year. No tours to interrupt it, least not for another two months, no new record to promote, seeing as they were almost finished recording Jazz and planned to go right on tour after completing it, and nothing had happened to any of them the whole year to impair their ability to be there with him. It was a euphoric thought! Nothing to worry about. Just him, Brian, and his friends for another birthday.

Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment when Roger and John said they were going to stay out longer. He knew they'd be back in time for dinner by the next day, but they'd always made sure to be home for each other's birthdays. He and Brian did it for theirs and they had done it for Brian's. So, what was so different about his that they had to stay out later? John wasn't one to do that, or at least when they weren't on tour, and Roger had already been up longer than he and Brian had and was still up for more things.

Freddie slightly jumped at the feeling of Brian's taller frame enveloping him in a tight hug. He glanced behind him, Brian quickly grabbing the bridge of the his sunglasses and slowly removed him, the room igniting with color once more and Brian's sympathetic, hazel gaze returning as well. Brian tucked the accessory away in his pocket a softly smiled at him.

"I know. Just thought they'd be here for tomorrow."

"They'll be here." He whispered, "I know they will. Tomorrow morning they'll come walking in if they haven't snuck back in before that, safe and sound." He chuckled softly, "I mean, do you honestly think Roger's gonna let anyone hurt John? Or that John would go somewhere dangerous with him?"

"Of course not. Though, knowing Roger once he gets enough alcohol in him, I wouldn't be surprised if he came home from a fight. He's already got some anger issues."

"Oh stop it." Brian jeered, "He's calmed down a lot in the past two years. Ever since he finally got with John."

Freddie had to agree with Brian's argument. Ever since Roger admitted to his feelings about their bassist back in '75, John and he had been inseparable ever since. The two had had made improvements on each other's personalities too. Roger had calmed down and seemed more empathetic, even though he still has his bouts of anger every now and then, and John had actually begun to speak up more, contributing more of his own writings to the band and didn't seem as quiet as he had been back when they'd first met. Freddie personally believed it was Roger who got him to come out in the first place, seeing as he'd been so silent about anything to do with his sexual preferences until Roger coaxed him out of the closet back in '75 when he told him about his crush.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up." Brian said, unhooking his arms from Freddie's waist. "I'd like to be able to be fresh and fruity for my little prince tonight."

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