Journal Entry #1 <November 6, 2015>

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Oh, hi! Um, yeah, I'm me...I guess you can choose my name and stuff...I'm just here I guess. I don't know what my purpose here is, but if you think my life will be entertaining, then keep reading I guess.
So, reader, I'm me, and you're you. I don't know a lot of things, but I know that I'm just a character in a book. Wanna know how I know that? I know that because every time you close the book, or the book is opened, it's like my eyes open. My subconscious becomes fully aware of what's happening. Sounds weird, I know.
Anywho, because I am just a book, you, the reader, is giving me life. Cool, right? I'm like becoming more and more aware of things around me. I'm starting to see and feel more.THIS. IS. SO. FREAKING. COOL. OHMY.
Okay, okay, I'm good. So reader, you're going to be reading my journal, and my mind can be a please don't judge me right out of the gate.
I like you already, you're a good listener. Well...I don't know how you'd be able to talk back to me lol, well, I guess you could always send me a note in my inbox.. send it to the "Author", I'll get it eventually. I dunno. I suppose, because I'm writing a journal that I should include a bit about myself and my life, right? Yeah, lets do that.
My life isn't all that interesting to be honest, because, again, I'm just a fictional charater. but let's pretend I live outside of these pages. Yeah, let's do that.
So, I like music. A lot. I listen to basically anything that's on the radio.. except country. I strongly dislike that. I play guitar, drums, and piano. My music taste goes from straight pop music, to the classics, to hardcore metal. It's bad. I'm a pretty good person to bring along for a long car ride I guess because I don't complain a lot and I like to listen to people's stories. However..I tend to talk a lot, when I'm not listening to your stories, that is. I am a brand new character after all. I'll talk if you want to listen and vice versa.
So please keep listening to me. I'll keep writing as long as I have someone listening. I should go now though. You probably have something better to do, or somewhere better to be. That's understandable. Have a great day!
Talk to you later new friend!~me~

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