One ♡

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Dear sleeping beauty.

You're so beautiful. I know that I'm not the first person telling you this. The first time I saw you laid on the bed with an innocent -faced, I'm in love with you. But I didn't fall for you just for that reason. I mean, who can define beauty anyway ? Aren't we all have our own definition.  You gave me a feeling I that I could not even describe.  I didn't get this feeling anywhere else. It was like seeing a baby. Yeah, a newborn baby who's doesn't aware of the cruel world. The innocent look on your face little did soften my heart. For years, I closed my heart. To never fall in love with girls. Because after she left me. I started to realize that girls were just a waste of time. But I lost once my eyes landing on you. I started to remember the great feeling of loving someone.

I need to see you every day. It's weird but I just can't. If I don't see you just for a day. I will feel an uneasy feeling on my chest. It's killing me. The feeling of incompleteness. It's like you wash your face in the morning but don't brush your teeth. If the shift begin at 8 in the morning, I will come at 7. Just to meet you. At lunch when others busy eating, I come to your room just to stare at you like some idiot. And when my shift ended, I will stop to say goodbye.

I didn't know why a sleeping girl can move me so much.

I never believe in love at first sight things until I love you at first sight. But now, I got it why.

You make me crazy. Crazy about you. I can't even breath like normal anymore. Every time I sleep I dream about you. I'm nothing compared to you.

It was already a month sleeping beauty since the first time you came where, blood gushing from your head. The blood stained your perfect white dress.

And I want you to wake up more than anything I ever wanted in my life.

I want you to smile at me.

I want you to talk to me.

And laugh with me.

I am pretty sure you will look more beautiful when you wake up. Believe me.

I love you okay? don't ask me why because sometimes we don't always need a reason for something.

Yours truly,


Dear Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now