Shanaynay's Tale

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Once upon a time, a brave little drag queen had a vagina. Little drag queen was different than all the others because he realized he was a she.

All the drag queens loved Shanaynay. All of Shanaynay's classmates loved Shanaynay. Everyone loved Shanaynay. Everyone, except one brave little drag queen named Shanaynay.

Shanaynay hated herself more and more each day. She wanted to be like all of the other drag queens. She tried to be like them, but no matter how much she prayed to the good Lord above, she could not grow a penis.

Shanaynay always got nice compliments, but they never made her feel nice. Shanaynay just felt guilty for taking the attention away from the real drag queens.

This all changed when Shanaynay went on Google Answers and @xXHitlerIzBae_666_Swag_69Xx
suggested she get a sex change. So she did. After the operation was over, Shanaynay was finally happy.

Shanaynay was on her way home to tell her parents. She was gleefully skipping across the street when Shanaynay got hit by a car and died.

The End

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