Two Time Lords and Flower

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A/N: Dedication goes to my dear hythros of course ;) I wrote this just for ya

Doctor pressed few buttons, switched leavers and whole TARDIS, started to shake. Rose grab railing and laughing watched, how is the Doctor driving his time machine.

Shaking has stopped and Rose asked:
"Where are we?"
"Let's figure that out" he smiled at her, walked away from console, heading out of TARDIS, while taking his brown coat.

They were in London, some present day...

 "Doctor, why are we here?" Rose asked.

"Hmm... I don't know... TARDIS took us here... Probably for some reason"
Doctor said, looked around and suddenly walked off, Rose followed him.
Doctor grab bed newspapers from bench and looked at date, 6th of february 2007. He showed it to Rose.
"Why are we here? What if we meet myself?"
"I don't know... Be sure that in future you won't go, where we will go today, alright?" Rose nodded. Doctor took his screwdriver and start sonicing around.

"Gotcha!" he said suddenly and followed source of that high energy, really high energy, definitley not from Earth. It was in some building, where was party on at the moment.
"Doctor... Could you, please, tell me what's going on?"
"There is some source of energy inside"
"What's wrong with that?" he looked her.
"Rose... It's generating too big energy, nothing on Earth in this time period can make that high energy..."
"Oh... Alright... What will we do?"
"Go to party!" he grin at her and hold out arm for her. Rose smile and grab it.

They came to entrance, Doctor show his physic paper, they walked inside and look around.
"What now?" Rose asked the Doctor.
"We have to find source of that energy and its owner, who is probably on this party." he whispered back. It was some campaign party, Harriet Jones ended in her post and Great Britain need new government and prime minister, of course. Doctor didn't pay attention to it because "It's probably not important."

They came to bar, ordered drink and Doctor unsuspiciously searcher with his screwdriver for source of that high energy.
"Rose, come I think I found it." he walked, hiding his sonic, through crowds of people. Rose followed him.

They get out of main room to some empty corridor, Doctor run through it, following his readings. Suddenly someone hit Rose and she felt in unconscious before she could say anything. Doctor didn't notice because he was looking in front of him, trying to find that source.

When he ran in some dark room, he finally turned around and notice that Rose isn't behind him. "Rose!" he looked around. "Rose! Where are you?"
The Doctor left the problem with high energy and started running around, trying to find his companion.

Rose has woken up, handcuffed behind her back, on some couch. She looked around. There was that couch, table, one door and chair at table with man sitting on it in room.
"Hello" he said: "What's your name?"
Rose tried to get out of handcuffs, unsuccesfull. "Argh..."

"I asked, what is your name? I'm sure you understand me"

"Who is asking?" he was bit surprised.

"You don't know me? I'm sure you do... No? Not a bit? Fine... I'm Harold Saxon... And you?"

"Rose Tyler. Why- why did you handcuffed me?"

"Because I don't want you to escape"

"Why did you even took me out from there? Are you owner of that source of energy?"

Two Time Lords and Flower [DW one-shot]Where stories live. Discover now