In which Cas can't fall asleep alone, so he goes to Dean

Dean sighed as he closed the doors of Castiel's new room in the bunker. As he's been an angel until now he never needed a bed and therefore a room, but now that he's human he will need to get some sleep. Dean tried to be helpful and gave him a few pointers, like counting sheep, imagining yourself in a happy place... But he had a feeling the ex angel would spend yet another night awake.

He moved to his own room. Sliding into some sweatpants and a new shirt, he settled into his bed. Usually Dean would get a few hours of dreamless sleep before the nightmares started. But that day they came as soon as he lost consciousness.

Castiel struggled to fall asleep. Tossing and turning he tried to stop thinking, as Dean had suggested he do earlier, but failed. First there was the guilt he felt. He had trusted Metatron and now all angels are in pain and heaven is empty. Secondly there was the humanity he felt inside of himself. It felt much different than his angel grace. He wasn't used to feeling everything. He never used used to feel guilt, shame, sadness, not in this altitude.

He took a deep breath and stood up. He might as well find a book to read, he wasn't gonna get any sleep tonight.

But as he passed the doors of Dean's room and heard soft quiet whimpers coming from the inside. Was Dean okay? Castiel wondered. He knocked on the doors gently, hearing no answer he opened and stepped inside.

Dean was laying on his side, sweat dribbling on his forehead. His jaw was clenched and he was shaking slightly.

"Dean?" Castiel came closer and gently gripped his shoulder.

"Hmmm?" The hunter grumbled still half asleep.


"What? Cas? What are you doing here?" Dean finally woke up. He sat up and looked at his friend with tired eyes.

Castiel decided not to ask him about his nightmare as he seemed to have forgotten it. "I... I couldn't sleep." He confessed, his blue eyes crunching together.

Dean stared back at him. He didn't know why the ex angel came to him. What did he expect him to do?

"Can I stay here until I become sleepy?" Castiel asked his favourite person.

Dean gulped. They were nearing dangerous waters. Waters Dean could still feel the pain of. He remembered his father beating the thought of sailing through them out of him. He gulped again. Then he took in the sight of the tired graceless human in front of him and realized his friend was more important than his fears. He scooted over to the other side of his bed. "Lie down, Cas. Sleep," Dean ordered.

Soon they were both lying down facing away from each other. Cas couldn't help but want to feel close to his friend. It scared him. But it made him happy as well. On of his hands reached behind him blindly and calmed down as soon as he felt another hand slip in his.

It wasn't the most comfortable position, but Cas managed to fall asleep nonetheless. As did Dean.

Dean was the first to wake up the next morning feeling something out of place and different than usual. He checked his alarm clock first.


He rolled his eyes at his body who never failed at not letting him sleep in. At least I didn't have anymore nightmares, Dean though, well not after Cas came in. Wait...

That's when he felt it. Something poking at his rear. He gulped and risked a glance behind him. Castiel was snoring slightly, clearly enjoying their current position judging by the smile on his face. Cas was hugging him like a pillow. His right arm was under Dean's head, his left around the hunter's waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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