Chapter 1

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John cena and randy cena just moved to San Diego because their father got offered a job

The Next morning

John's POV

I just woke up and took a shower and did the everyday routine wake up randy

John-yo wake up dude
Randy-another 5 please
John-Randy get your ass up

Randy got up and ran to the shower after showering

R-hey bro where's mom
J-she's already gone to work
R-I have to go get dressed
J-well I'll meet you at school
R-sure you at school

At school they both arrived and all eyes were on them they were looking for the principals office when two twins to them(nikki & brie)

N-hey you guys new
N-welcome I am Nikki and this brie
J-John this is my brother Randy

Then the twins boyfriends came over(Seth and Roman)

Seth-hey brie
Roman-hey Nikki baby
N&B-hi baby.By the way this is John and Randy.
Randy-yo bro let's go get our timetables
John-let's go

At the principal's office

Prin-you boys must be john and randy
J-yes sir
Prin-here are your timetables. Have a great day
R-thanks sir

As the day went on John and Randy met new friends like,Bryan,jimmy and Jey and dean

After school Brie was walking over to John

Brie-hey John
John-hey brie what's up
Brie-can I ask you something
Brie-Is Randy single
Brie-well I shouldn't be telling you this but I think I have a crush on him
John-but you do have a boyfriend and let's keep this ourselves.I have a crush on your sister.
Brie-wow should I tell her
John-I will tell her myself give me your number I will tell Randy to call you.

Brie gave John her number and John got in his Mustang and left while Randy was still at school

At home

John:yo bro brie told me to give her number
Randy:Why ?
John:She said you should call her.It looks like she has crush on you.
Randy:OK bro let's go to the gym.
John:Let's go

At the gym Seth and Roman were there.

Roman:Oh look it's the kids that try to steal our girlfriends
John:Look man why would we do that just because they met up with us doesn't mean we want them.
Seth:You Randy or whatever your name is I'm watching you Brie is mine.
John:We don't want Your girls
Seth:We are watching you
John:Let's go bro.

After sparring they went home Nikki and Brie were sitting at the Balcony at their house

Brie:hey randy,hey John
J&R:hey girls(john went inside).
Nikki: what's up with john
Randy:Just tired why don't you two come over to do homework.

At the Cena house

Nikki: hey where is John
Randy: Can I get you anything ladies
Nikki: juice
Brie: same

After homework they were walking the girls home even though they live next door

John:Hey bro I have been noticing how you were lookin at Brie
Randy: Bro promise you won't tell anyone.
John: OK what's up
Randu:I have a crush on brie
John:What that is awesome

The next morning getting ready for school. (J&R)

At school John sees Nikki making out with Roman and gets sad and jealous and walks away and sees Brie crying at the Cafeteria

John: hey Brie what's wrong
Brie:me and Seth broke he was cheating on me this whole time
John:Let me tell you some thing promise you won't tell anyone
John:Randy has a crush on you.Just wait he is gonna ask you out today don't cry see you later Bye.
Brie: Bye(thinking Omg I knew it he likes me too)

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