The Dare

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“Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Torture, or Promise?”

Julia's voice has a harsh tone to it, one she specially puts on for this game.

“Torture”, says Rachel, a glint in her eye, a grin about a mile long, which challenges them to come up with the best they had.

The rest of the group moves away, and huddles up in a corner, discussing. Rachel crosses the hostel dormitory, and sits on Janet's bed, swinging her leg. They were taking a long time.

While Rachel sits, waiting for her dare, her eyes roam about the room. Outside, it was raining buckets, which was why they were indoors instead of running about the field playing basketball. her eyes move to the mirror on the cupboard door. An eerie feeling comes over her, a chill which she couldn't explain crawls down her back.

A cough behind her back. Rachel whips around. Danni had come back with what she had asked for; a Torture. 

"You're not scared, are you?" he taunts.

"'Course not! Bring it on!" Rachel says defiantly.


"I'm waiting..."

He pauses for dramatic measure.

"Look in a mirror and say ‘Bloody Mary’ thrice.”

That makes Rachel freeze in her tracks... Every one knows the legend. If you say that in front of a mirror you will be haunted forever, but how, nobody knew. Everyone thought better than to risk the situation. But... Rachel didn't like disappointing her friends. Especially on a dare. Especially a torture.

She put on a grin, and a brave face. "Challenge accepted!"

......Foolish move.



Wait a minute. Was that fear she sees in Rachel's eyes. Julia blinks. No way. Rachel takes on every challenge. She fears nothing. That was why the 'Torture' they chose for her was perfect.

Julia looks at Rachel again. She sees a grin which said 'Nothing in the world scares me!' Good. Time to break the rest of the news to her. Give her the rest of the gruesome details.

“Oh! And by the way," she adds with a grin, "it must be done at night. You can sneak out of the dormitory. We’ll help, but you must do it."

Then, as an after thought... "And in front of the green room mirror."



yeah, so this is a story i wrote ages back, and i decided i'm gonna upload it coz- it's one of my few compleated stories. Since its from 2009, the writing style is terrible. I'm modifying each chapter as i go along (just finished this one), but guys, any advice, critics, and comments are very much appriciated. so... help me out, if you dont mind ;)

A Speck of Blood on the Mirror: A Bloody Mary StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant