Chapter 1

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"Do this, do that. Stay back and clean the Ghost ugh I'm tired of it!" Ezra kicked the side of the ship.
Chopper watched from above. The two had just finished cleaning the Phantom but Ezra had yet to blow off some steam.
Suddenly a distress signal came through.
"That's Vizago's ship." Ezra muttered to himself. 
"We should probably go help."
(Time skip is what happened between them getting the signal and where I am about to start.)

"Haha that makes me very happy! Droid, Droid go and get me the most expensive drink you can! And one for my friend too!"
Ezra was startled. Where had his answer come from.
"If you don't mind I'll go with him." Ezra was already pushing past Hondo.
"Alright, don't forget yours!"
As the pair got far enough away, Chopper began to beep angrily at Ezra.
"I know, I know. I don't want to leave the Ghost or do I. I mean there aren't as many responsibilities and Inquisitors don't hunt pirates, do they?"
Out of no where the two heard a clang.
"It came from in here." Ezra said investigating the door.
As it slid open, they discovered Vizago inside.
"Vizago? What are you doing in here?" Ezra asked.
Vizago did not look pleased to see him.
"Oh great. Just what I need."
"Excuse me. I'm not the one who got locked in my own bridge."
Ezra shot back.
Vizago glared at him. Before jumping up, "Let me out."
"What?" Ezra was taken aback.
"You owe me for saving your Jedi friend. Let me out. Now."
Ezra thought for a second.
'If I let him out I don't know what he'll do to me.'
"No." Ezra replied firmly.
Chopper squawked in surprise and Vizago got even angrier.
But before Vizago could say another word, Ezra pulled out his lightsaber/blaster and shot him.
"Now we won't have any disruptions."
After a moment of shock, Chopper realized that Ezra had changed now.
And not in a good way.

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