Will you notice me?

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Lucy P.O.V.

My heart almost burst of emotions when I saw you sitting alone close to me. You could've left to sit next to your friends but you decided to sit there an I don't know why but it made me happy but it also made me wonder if you really notice me or is it natural for you to do that. I'll just hope that one day you could notice me and I will pray for your happiness even if I'm the one that makes you happy or not.

I see him leave to got to masters office. I look at him from the corner of my eyes and sigh. He is just great. His intimidating and he might be arrogant but he has changed and I can see how much he cares for his friends and his family specially Master. I'm just not strong enough to be a match for him but I just wish, I wish that he would notice me as ,not just a guild mate but as a possible match. Laxus... I hope one day you'll notice me.

"Hey Luce" I hear somebody call and I turned around and see that its Natsu.

"Hey Natsu, whats up?"

"Nothing much wondering if yo-"

Natsu was cut off by master. He called for me

"Lucy will you come to my office please"

"Yes master" I get up and said to Natsu

"Talk to you later"

And went to the office when I enter I see Laxus is leaning on the wall. I try and keep my cool.

"I've called you here because I have a special mission for the tow of you. We've intercepted a code from a dark guild that's name is unknown at the moment and I need the both of you to worked together and find there hide out. The code we intercepted wasn't clear but it said something about atacking Fiore city by city." Master said

"But why me? What about the Thunder God Tribe?" I asked even though i was regretting it

"The reason I shows you is because you know how to investigate and find logic to things that aren't logical and I picked Laxus because he's one of my strongest and if you guys get in danger he can get you out very quickly" he said "and also I don't want the Thunder God Tribe there because between Ever and Bixlow I don't know who is the loudest and I want to avoid trouble."

"Ok master" this whole time Laxus is just there he doesn't say anything or do anything. I just wish he would say something to me at least 'hi'. Oh well a girl can dream

"Your mission starts tomorrow. Laxus will give you the details later" he said

"You are dismissed"

I nod and leave

I go down and see Natsu and the gang

"Guys I'm leaving on a mission tomorrow with Laxus, is that ok with you guys?" I asked them because they are my team and I care what they say

"I was going to ask if you wanted to join us in one but i guess master beat us first. Be careful and try and keep your distance from Laxus. Hes a good guy but horrible with girls" Natsu said

"Ummm ok. You could ask Lissana. I know your crazy about her." I tell him and he blushed a little.
"O-ok" he said with a pink blush on his checks at the mention of Lisanna

Natsu and Gray don't know about my feelings for Laxus. Erza and Wendy know and also Juvia, Levy Lissana and Mira knows. I thought Mira would hurt me because I thought she liked him but it turns out she likes Freed.

"Be safe" Erza and Wendy said with a grin on their faces

I waved good bye to them and went to my apartment. I packed my things. 'I can't believe I have a shot at at least becoming a friend of his' I thought as i got out of the shower. I put on my pajama and went to sleep.

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